Author Topic: New Improved Firing Pins  (Read 8001 times)

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New Improved Firing Pins
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:34:39 PM »
In an effort to provide the best and most bulletproof firing pin available, we have improved the design and changed the tempering. And yes, this has been prompted by our customers reporting breaking of our FP. Almost 1% have broken in half, (where spring meets the shoulder) and between 2% and 3% have had the "head" break off the back end.

The new "drop-in" version, Item #001 pictured below has some material cut away from the top side of the head for clearance between it and the Carrier. No alterations required, simply install in your Bolt and shoot. Or as always, you can send your bolt and check or MO for $47.00, and we'll install FP Kit and do bolt face treatment described here:

And the "best" we have to offer, Item #001M pictured below, requires a slight modification to the Carrier as can be seen in the before and after pictures below. The top FP has spring needed for all post 1951 guns, (post-'51 Russians and all Chinese, Albanian, Romanian and Yugos) center FP has spring for pre-51 Russian SKSs only, and bottom FP is simply no spring picture for reference. This version runs $60.00 all inclusive. (even includes return shipping)

Having the Carrier mod done does Not prevent you from going back to an original firing pin should you choose to do so.

The top Carrier is an unmodified Yugo and below is the same Carrier after "clearance cut" modification is done. (shiny "U" shaped cut)

"Drop-in" versions are now ready for shipment and feel free to send your Bolt, or your Bolt and Carrier for the best we have to offer.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 12:05:07 PM by murray »

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: New Improved Firing Pins
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2012, 01:11:33 PM »
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 12:05:39 PM by murray »

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: New Improved Firing Pins
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 08:24:03 PM »
Just sent you guys an email about getting this done on mine.  My FP just bent today while shooting and so a new one is in order.  So what is the difference between the two firing pins?

Donovan B.
Family Guns Jeeps and Bikes!


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Re: New Improved Firing Pins
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 04:03:32 PM »
Guessing it was your "original" FP that got bent. Unfortunately it's happenning every day with Russian Berdan primed ammo.  :(

One FP has a complete head on the back end, and the other "drop-in" version has the head machined for clearance with the Carrier.

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: New Improved Firing Pins
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2013, 12:24:25 PM »
I just purchased on of your fp's and will put it  in later on this evening.  I haven't even had a chance to shoot my sks, I have only had it for a few weeks and I am itching to get some projectiles flying out the barrel.