Author Topic: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)  (Read 24341 times)

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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2013, 12:37:22 AM »
Hey, all right :)
It does address the issue and looks more durable than the epoxy. 
I guess some super duper epoxy would work.

With all the reported feeding issues people have had with aftermarket mags maybe the tolerance range of the actions is too big.  You would think that the mag manufacturers would know that and make something that would fit the loosest (tightest??) one but offer an option (like a new mag release) to adjust to the individual rifle.  Those of us with actions with a a looser fit need to take up the slack. 
I will say this about the Tapco mags.  ALL the ones I have are dimensionally the same.  Consistant.
I've got 7 Tapco 20's and 3 more on the way.  For me it's easier to rework the mag release, once. 
I'll still sand the lips of each mag for that extra pitch up.
The plastic mag release I bought has the same fit as the metal ones.  Maybe I'll work on it. 

I'm going to try this once the epoxy cures. Then maybe a metal shim.
The top red line is where the bottom edge of the Trigger Group rides.
The lower red line is the "store bought" release clearance.
The Blue line is the "adjusted" release clearance, about 0.046" shim needed for mine to put the mag lips solid against the receiver.
0.040" should be just about right

« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 03:11:59 AM by Rocketvapor »
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2013, 03:23:31 AM »
Did I say that I suffer from OCD?
Just wasn't happy with the epoxy.
Here's one more effort to modify the plastic mag release. This time with metal. 
In the first picture "Yes, That is a Nail"
That is a nail.

The second picture "Used to be a nail", was taken after passing it across my mill.
Yea right. If I had a mill I wouldn't be using a nail.
The triangle tab runs between the Trigger group rails and stops when it hits the cross pin or when the mag lips hit the receiver rails. 
If the mag isn't pushed up, there will be a gap between the mag feed lips and the receiver rails.
This modification to the plastic mag release ought to be strong enough to last.

Polished up just a little.

Blued the Nail

Another video to watch.
Looks like I need to fine tune my youtube skills :)
I forgot to even mention sanding the feed lips.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 01:17:46 AM by Rocketvapor »
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2013, 09:42:50 PM »
Thank you for the info. I was down at the range last week and that happen. Hollow point jammed every 3rd round. That was the first time I had this happen.


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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2014, 09:41:04 PM »
I just got some new Tapco 20s and the feed lip is much thinner than the ones pictured here.  Have they made a mod to their mags so we don't have too?


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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2014, 11:04:08 PM »
Haven't bought any in a while so I wouldn't know. 
They may have thinned just at the edge. 
All the ones I have are the same.
Got a pic ?
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2014, 05:59:29 PM »
Hey Rocket, thanks for all the great info!  I took my '56 tula out today for the second time(first time since the new stock, bolt mod, and tapco 20 rounders) got her sighted in at 75yrds(thats as far as my eyes work w/open sights).  I had one mag that fed perfectly every time fully loaded and one that would hang up.  I am going to to the sanding trick to all four of my new mags.  Thanks for unknowingly answering what question was lingering in the back of my head... whats the feed problem.  thanks again
Just one sks...all matching '56 tula


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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2014, 06:19:37 AM »
I have a question regarding the Tapcos.  My issue is not with the angle of the feed lips, but with the follower sticking intermittently on the first 5 rounds.  I have four of the Tapco 20 round mags.  3 of them have constant issues with the first few rounds not feeding rounds up into the action.  I've tried sanding down the rough edges on the follower and even tried tapering the edges on one of the problem children to see if I could get the thing feeding properly, to no avail.  My last idea is to taper the "fin" on the back of the follower to match the curve that is in the Pro-Mag followers.   :banghead:
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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2014, 10:00:52 AM »
With many rounds in the mag the follower is way down in the mag body, the spring is compressed, and the stack of rounds provides most of the friction.  Each round is touching the mag body.  Not getting all rounds inserted to the rear of the mag could cause dragging.

Springs usually cause issues with the last couple of shots. 
Unless the spring is really weak, it should be able to lift 20 rounds. 20 rounds aren't that darn heavy :).  You can sort of tell if the spring is weak by the effort needed to load the last few rounds in the mag.

Maybe the stock is pinching the mag. As more and more rounds are loaded, the stack is being pushed harder and the rounds will push out on the mag sides. 

It the edges of the follower are smooth I can see no reason for it to be dragging inside the mag body. 
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2014, 02:37:48 PM »
My problem is not with the last few shots.  Its with the first 5.  After those everything feeds fine.  Of my 4 Tapco mags, 3 are having this issue.  The only difference between the good one and the 3 problem children is the color of the follower (the problem free one has a black follower as opposed to the 3 tan colored).  I've tried switching the followers and springs.  The issue still seems to follow the tan colored followers.  I'm gonna try out my new mod to the followers either today or tomorrow.
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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2014, 09:39:36 PM »
Okay so I have finally got my tapco mag followers feeding flawlessly through the entire magazine

First up, my one last unaltered follower

Next, one of the followers that was sticking (pic taken after modification)

And a comparison pic

Basically all I did was taper off the bottom of the of the "fin" on the back of the follower (left side on all pics).  I was having an issue with the followers in 3 of my mags getting stuck in the bottom when loaded with all 20 rounds.  Modded the three that have the tan coloring and took them out shooting earlier.  Filled and emptied them each three times, without the followers sticking on me like they have been. :banghead:  Don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but here's my solution.
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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2014, 02:24:32 PM »
Great info Rocket, thanks. We have Tapco 20 rounds in our carbines and they function great, we are some of the more fortunate ones I suppose! I did do the bolt mod to allow easier/quicker mag changes. That is an awesome mod!

I noticed after reading cep89's post re the thickness of the feed lips that ours are thin also but as I said we have had no issues with them. So apparently Tapco changed the thickness for some reason!

We bought some stripper clips to load the mags while it is still in the carbine but the rounds kept bunching up and some even fell out of the clips. That was a huge disappointment. I don't know the manufacturer, their only marking is the number 31 inside a circle. I did make the modification on the rear of the feed lips but that made no difference. A few of them were even flared too much to fit into the slot in the bolt carrier face. On closer examination I discovered it's the stripper clips so we have abandoned that idea for the moment. Someone posted on another thread that the milsurps work best so I will probably try that.

Thanks again Rocket, a lot of effort went into this thread and is much appreciated!  :thumbright:
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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2014, 01:40:56 PM »
I did the feed lip sanding on my two 5/20 Tapco mags using HP bullets to observe the feeding.  I can now operate the bolt manually as fast as I can with no jams.  I also rounded the sharp edges of the side projections inside the receiver that contact the shoulder of the cartridge as it moves forward.  I think I would like to do the 8-to-4 very slight round/bevel on the leading edges at the entrance to the chamber as the lip of the cartridges show a bit of gouging from this sharp edge. 


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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #27 on: June 18, 2019, 08:26:42 AM »
Hi everybody

many thanks for this thread. I have an SKS from original soviet military stores. I re-stocked it with Shernic Gun Works bull-pup polymer stock, installed the forward moving lug and accomodated my Tapco 20rd duck-billed magazines I begun to have problems with feeding rounds to chamber. Thanks to this discussion I grasped the problem, front mag catch was simply too low, the gap between mag lips and the side of receiver was too big. Fortunately the FML comes with more various teeth and washers to precisely tune the position of magazine in the receiver well. Now it feeds optimally without jams. I didn't test with SP bullets, however thanks to this posts I have a better vision how the whole thing work.

have a nice and precise day :)


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Re: Fine Tuning Plastic Magazines (Tapco)
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2019, 09:59:27 AM »
I'll just toss this in for fun. We did the "uplift" and angle change with our adapters. If you want to go duck-bill-less and take advantage what RV and others have presented and you don't want to do the mods, buy out G3.


There is but one language and that is the English language. Teddy R., 1907
Duck-bill-less mag adapters for the SKS are located at