Hey, all right

It does address the issue and looks more durable than the epoxy.
I guess some super duper epoxy would work.
With all the reported feeding issues people have had with aftermarket mags maybe the tolerance range of the actions is too big. You would think that the mag manufacturers would know that and make something that would fit the loosest (tightest??) one but offer an option (like a new mag release) to adjust to the individual rifle. Those of us with actions with a a looser fit need to take up the slack.
I will say this about the Tapco mags. ALL the ones I have are dimensionally the same. Consistant.
I've got 7 Tapco 20's and 3 more on the way. For me it's easier to rework the mag release, once.
I'll still sand the lips of each mag for that extra pitch up.
The plastic mag release I bought has the same fit as the metal ones. Maybe I'll work on it.
I'm going to try this once the epoxy cures. Then maybe a metal shim.
The top red line is where the bottom edge of the Trigger Group rides.
The lower red line is the "store bought" release clearance.
The Blue line is the "adjusted" release clearance, about 0.046" shim needed for mine to put the mag lips solid against the receiver.
0.040" should be just about right