So what would shipping cost be to the states? More specifically Texas, I am way more interested in yours as opposed to the Wartak rail... what kind of adjustments to the front sight would I be looking at to get it in a position to work with the grove in the rail? Also what direction does the mount cause the brass to eject in? (I am a lefty and would rather not catch brass in the face) And finally has your mount been tested with the archangel stock? any fitment issues?
Thanks for the reply your product looks pretty awesome!
Shipping is a flat $15 no matter if you are in the US or Canada.
This means I lose a bit on shipping, but I am aware that my American customers are used to lower shipping prices than what we have here in Canada, and I do value my US customers.
Brass is ejected to the right. We include a piece of velcro tape which seems to do a good job of protecting your rail and of buffering the force of the ejection of the spent shells. Lefties have it tough with a right handed semi autos, it's true, but that's the best I can offer.
Sight will need to be adjusted up and it will still tend to shoot high. It's an unfortunate consequence of having the rail sit above the receiver cover. That being said, it functions reasonably well at close ranges, and for farther away there is good old "Kentucky windage" ... or maybe in this case "Kentucky elevation".

I have not tried it specifically with an Archangel stock but it has been an easy fit with other aftermarket stocks, requiring the removal of about 2mm of material to accomodate the mounting bracket.
One last thing, the old model KwikRail is on sale now, so it's not a bad time to pick one up ...