A few weeks ago I was rummaging around in my barn and found a Chinese SKS I forgot I had ( SKS, can't have just one). So I cleaned it up and test fired a couple of blank rounds in it and it fired perfect, however using blanks does not have the power to eject the spent cartridge. So I moved on to the next step and fired a couple of real ammo and it still would not eject. I checked the small piston and spring and they are good I took the gas tube off and cleaned it, the long piston and cleaned the gas port with my Dremel using a small wire brush. Then I cleaned the hole going from the gas port into the rifle barrel with a tobacco pipe cleaner and solvent , ( or from the barrel to the gas port depending on how you look at it) and put everything back together. Confident that it would now function I tried firing it again, no joy

, it still would not eject the spent cartridge.
So I took the gas tube back off and tried 3 other different Chinese gas port hand guards, it still will not eject.

The only thing I can think to do is replace the gas port, however before I remove the FSB and replace the gas port am I missing something else that could be the problem?
Advice would be appreciated.