We appreciate the kind words trianglevelvet! “That’s good enough” is never acceptable to us, only “correct” and the best we can do.
And to Curly Howard and shootemup…(and everyone else affected)our apologies for the lack of communication and not being able to return your items more promptly!
It’s been just over a year since the OP posted his question, so allow us to describe a year in a Gunsmiths shop, this last year specifically. (and don’t ask me to describe 2013)
F Pin Kit Installations, Carrier machining, Bolt machining for detachable mag use, Hammer/Sear/Trigger Installations and the usual walk through the door miscellaneous jobs kept us quite busy through the usual slow time of summer ’14 and even summer ‘15. Then we introduced the “Neck & Throat” service that has been 100% effective at stopping a decades old problem of primer failures, and about that same time guys started wanting G-9 adapters and Bullpup stocks installed, (and we lost an employee) and we suddenly found ourselves somewhat overwhelmed in a matter of less than 30 days.
Not going to lie, the first Bullpup took longer than it should but once the 2nd and 3rd were done, that became very manageable. And we weren’t completely on board with the G-9 until we discovered a simple fix for a slight flaw we found in the design. But we struggled and worked overtime to try and deliver in a time frame we knew customers would be comfortable with for quite some time. (and obviously failing quite a few times)
But announcing today…the new employee, Richard, who will soon introduce himself here, has done a bang up job his first month of showing how he can be a team member, understand the concepts and designs of the guns he is working on, and simply helped us get in a position where the turnaround has gone from 90 days and above (for a very few) to likely less than 60 days, and in some cases now, even less than 30 days.
Now if due to posting this, more than 50 packages arrive next week, that might cause us to quickly edit or amend this post. But we’re ready to handle the workload much better and have plans to increase the efficiency around here even more. And in the not too distant future, is a new website that should have all the bells and whistles that allow you to actually track the progress of your job and supply you an expected finish date. They say it will be I-Phone and I-Pad compatible so the old dinosaur is coming out of the dark ages…finally.
There were many, many of you that went over and above with your patience with us and we are extremely grateful! And we’re looking forward to making SKSs run better and safer for many more of you in the coming months and years.