If you're dealing with the SKS and a G-9 adapter, which incorporates AR-15 7.62X39 mags, then the term "Drop Free" would apply, but for most SKS owners that use the Tapco 20 round type mags, it's a misnomer. So we prefer to call it the "D/M Mod" as we actually machine the bolt body on our Vertical Mill, very close to the dimensions that "SKS D" and "SKS M" bolt bodies are machined to. And if you prefer, "D/M"... "Detachable Mag."

This allows the shooter to remove and/or insert a magazine, with the Bolt & Carrier "Closed." Without this mod you simply have to lock the bolt back before removing or inserting a mag. And it allows the shooter to follow good safety protocol when misfires or jams occur, by removing the magazine First. (then deal with the issue)

If you visit our site and use the mail-in form, you'll see the listing for "Machine to "D/M" specs" at $40.00. If we're doing other work/installation, return shipping may be covered, but if the "D/M Mod" is all we do, add $4.00 for "1st Class" or $7.00 for "Priority."
Generally speaking, turnaround is 30 days or less, especially now as we head into summertime.
In the event you want to try this yourself, just keep the sides straight and take each side down to very close to, if not touching the existing surface you see just above our cut, in the photo below.