Author Topic: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?  (Read 2513 times)

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COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« on: April 07, 2020, 11:50:28 AM »
I am SO tired of hearing about it to be honest.

Fun fact; the Fox News website added a section at the top titled "Coronavirus". However when you click any other section (US, World, etc.) EVERY SINGLE NEWS ARTICLE is about COVID-19 anyway.

Just getting tired of the media fear-mongering. My take on things; this is reality. Influenza kills way more people than this, but you don't see the country shutting down every flu season. Yes, it is unfortunate that the young and elderly are so affected by it, and that there is still no vaccination. But life goes on. In a few months (or even weeks) there will be a surge of people returning to work and we will be back on track.


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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2020, 12:15:18 PM »
From a scientific or medical standpoint covid-19 and the flu are nothing alike including the transfer rate and the demographic that it kills. Italy has a 10+ percent death rate with this. They get the flu every year too and they don’t have a 10% percent death rate. While the 24x7 news is a constant annoyance that doesn’t make this virus or the situation we are in any less pressing.

The flu typically preys only in the old and young when it comes to deaths this is not the case with Covid-19. The initial reports of this only really effects those 65+ and who are comprised along with the “there’s no reason ( until last week) to wear a mask” was bad information that most frontline medical professionals dealing with completely disagreed with. Many people have to worry about this regardless of age especially those who are obese, have high blood pressure, diabetic as well as immune disorders.

The average diagnosed recoverable case of this that can be treated at home is reported to be like having the full blown flu x’s two or three. For the 20% that have to be put in the ICU more then half will have to be on a ventilator of those 50-60% will never come off and die. Our local hospital was able to get their 1st and only to this date ventilator patient off of it out of dozens who were still on them in the ICU and that was a big win in their eyes.


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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2020, 01:27:14 PM »
I'm 73, not taking any chances here. And neither should anyone else. This thing can kill you before you know you're dead. I'm in my 4th week in the house, not swapping spit, shaking hands or letting Athena play with her dog friends. I'm keeping my 10 foot distance. I'm in great health. I don't take any Rx meds, not fat, don't smoke or do drugs. Yes, I like my Miller Lite beer and red wine. Maybe that's the magic bullet? JK. BUT, I am taking my temps 6-8 times a day and writing them down. So far, I'm low 97's to low 98's. I'm a happy camper. Stay safe out there and keep your ammo dry.

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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2020, 01:31:16 PM »
We've been mandated to take our temperature every day upon reporting to work.

Mine is averaging 95.4

It's been determined that I'm a lizard.
I'm just holdin' the tail. You guys are the one's pumpin' the cat.


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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2020, 01:36:28 PM »
MEMO Dated Jan. 29 and was addressed to the White House National Security Council and President Trump:

On March 9, Trump tweeted, "So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!"

March 17  “I’ve always known this is a real—this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic,”  Pres DJT

All you need to know about Coronavirus is:
1.  It's a total HOAX!
2.  It's totally real!
3.  It is no more deadly than the flu!
4.  It's 20x more deadly than the flu!
5. Masks don't help!
6.  Everyone needs a mask!

Keep these facts in mind, and stay safe!
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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2020, 04:03:00 PM »
3 times as contagious, 10 times as deadly...

do the numbers...i dont have time to, i have to go get ready for work, apparently people with badges are disposable essential
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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2020, 10:34:37 AM »         On 3rd week for me. Doing good, little stressed but OK.......Ya relay, OK little stressed.........OK, maybe a Little bit Stressed then normal!  :lol:
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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2021, 10:33:19 PM »
I had Covid-19 and my wife who is a R.N. tried to talk me into going to the hospital and I told her if i"m going to die it would be at home. Lucky for me her sister who is also a R.N. sent her a link to some doctors in Florida that refused to bow to government pressure and were treating patients that had Covid-19, Thank God that Pres. Trump made it possible to get out of state treatment because after my wife told them my symptoms they sent a bunch of prescriptions to two pharmacies here in Ohio for the medicines I needed including a nebulizer  and steroid to prevent Covid related pneumonia. I ran a 102degree temp for a week but after the treatment I recovered with only a small side effect that gets better each day. And yes some of the med's I was on were ones they said didn't work But I can tell you that they do. As a matter of fact I truly believe they said the main one(plaquinil) didn't work because Trump said it did.


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Re: COVID-19 really sells, doesn't it?
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2021, 07:14:17 AM »
My cousin's husband contracted COVID. He said it felt like there was a boulder on his chest.
She was going to take him to the hospital but another relative, who worked at an allergy clinic, said "NO!" "If he goes to the hospital he'll die."
So he got a nebulizer which took, I believe 3 different meds, and a CPAP machine that has an attached humidifer. They put some kind of medication in the CPAP every night and he slept with it on. He also got pills, one of which was Planqunil (SP?) that he had take.
They also put him on a pretty strict diet, a lot of fruits and veggies and no dairy products. He had to learn to drink his coffee black.

His symptoms eased up pretty quickly. He also lost a lot of weight, his blood sugar levels came down and his A1C's got better.

The doctor told him if he'd gone to the hospital, like the CDC advised, he'd be dead now.

So much for following the science.
I'm just holdin' the tail. You guys are the one's pumpin' the cat.