My cousin's husband contracted COVID. He said it felt like there was a boulder on his chest.
She was going to take him to the hospital but another relative, who worked at an allergy clinic, said "NO!" "If he goes to the hospital he'll die."
So he got a nebulizer which took, I believe 3 different meds, and a CPAP machine that has an attached humidifer. They put some kind of medication in the CPAP every night and he slept with it on. He also got pills, one of which was Planqunil (SP?) that he had take.
They also put him on a pretty strict diet, a lot of fruits and veggies and no dairy products. He had to learn to drink his coffee black.
His symptoms eased up pretty quickly. He also lost a lot of weight, his blood sugar levels came down and his A1C's got better.
The doctor told him if he'd gone to the hospital, like the CDC advised, he'd be dead now.
So much for following the science.