Author Topic: Another milestone Human society has crested  (Read 2863 times)

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Another milestone Human society has crested
« on: June 21, 2020, 01:12:54 PM »
  I all ways felt odd about the title of the WWII vets as "Greatest Generation". Called to action by the news of the day, I guess it has some merit in that respect. The "News" was filtered then but now...... what would you call this new generation out there that is now applying their virtues via internet politically..... and where next? Gun forums?  As one sample of these new intelectuals put it in this article, (Trump)  “He doesn’t deserve the platform he has been given.” and this fool YouTuber Elijah Daniel, 26, who participated in the Tic Toc campaign says “These kids are smart, and they thought of everything.”
  Its getting to the point where a world wide EMP blast may be the most encouraging educational tool available to the Generation who understands how we have what we have in the way of standard of living. Boy o boy are these kids spoiled sh** less....

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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2020, 10:52:27 AM »
I'd call the current group the sorriest generation.
I am the one they call Cesar.


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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2020, 12:56:37 PM »
Kids learn by watching, can't have half the country hate the other half for a generation and expect them to be tolerant and honor things like universal rights much less be well adjusted, positive and happy. 

All this focus on hate speech and hate crimes etc and the push to make hate speech illegal and / or deplatform all speech but what is politically correct is insane, not only is hate speech protected by the 1st amendment,  but to my way of thinking I like it when white supremists, black supremists, communists and all other radicals  openly ID themselves, makes it a heck of lot easier to keep track than when they go to ground.  And they do not go away just because they are suppressed.

But that is the lefts tenet in most things, that making something illegal makes the problem go away.  :roll:
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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2020, 10:10:54 PM »
what would you call this new generation out there that is now applying their virtues via internet politically..... and where next? Gun forums?

Boomers have been aggressively posting their political views online for years. I see far more "older" people posting their politics online. Heck look at this forums own political section.

It is pretty funny that Trumps big rally where the highlight was him being able to drink water was botched by a bunch of Kpop fans.

I do find it interesting that Trumps mopey teenager walk from the helicopter was the most human moment we have ever seen from him.

These are the kind of people who made trump pout.


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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2020, 10:29:22 PM »
OK just for clarification are they really Kpop fans or just using it because its in the running for the most annoying thing on the planet?
Experience is the hardest kind of teacher, it gives the test 1st and the lesson after.

Courage is knowing it may hurt and doing it anyway.
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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2020, 11:04:40 PM »
OK just for clarification are they really Kpop fans or just using it because its in the running for the most annoying thing on the planet?

From everything I have seen it was really a bunch of kpop fans.

Maybe they wanted to dethrone Trump on my most annoying thing on the planet list.


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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2020, 09:15:39 AM »
I almost feel bad for the poor bastard.  He's probably never had a friend that didn't want something from him, and never had a wife or girlfriend he didn't buy in some way. Once his "friends" get what they want, they turn on him.

 I knew some silver spoon types growing up, and money comes with it's own set of problems.  That said, it's hard to feel sorry for someone who makes trolling people a way of life.

It wasn't KPop, a million billion people showed up, and got turned away by protesters.  :roll: 
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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2020, 10:55:44 AM »
what would you call this new generation out there that is now applying their virtues via internet politically..... and where next? Gun forums?

Boomers have been aggressively posting their political views online for years. I see far more "older" people posting their politics online. Heck look at this forums own political section.

It is pretty funny that Trumps big rally where the highlight was him being able to drink water was botched by a bunch of Kpop fans.

I do find it interesting that Trumps mopey teenager walk from the helicopter was the most human moment we have ever seen from him.

These are the kind of people who made trump pout.

I didn't get 10 seconds into that "song". I am 73. I walk with BOTH hands on the stair rails. I have a Great Dane who has knocked my legs out from under me on those same stairs. Some "retraining" resolved that issue. Taking a header is NOT in my game plan. I've had several concussions over my lifetime (sports) and can't afford to fall down a flight of stairs. I could not pass a "drunk test" in any way shape or form. If I put my head back, I will wobble. SO, I don't put my head back. Simple, I stay within my physical boundaries and limitations.
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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2020, 04:12:57 PM »
 During my 25 years of NYS Dept of Corrections training sessions, the CYA was drummed in loud and clear first for the state and then your self. One of those lesson plans dealt with going before a grand jury in defending your self in the use of force upon an inmate. The key to surviving the prosecution was to convince the jury that you weighed your actions by understanding what the result could have been if you chose an "extreme measure" to gain control of the situation.  This parameter is set between doing nothing and desiring a use of deadly force to result in a death.
  The point being, using a judgment call correctly is the result of a knowing what may be the ultimate result of a decision in its extremes. Hilary R Clinton had a lengthy history of character display and actions prior to her run against Donald Trump. Also, Trump's business ventures and lavish life style was not an unknown to this X New Yorker. Judging from what this president has accomplished while being viciously attacked from every corner of the deep state (FBI, CIA, DOJ), its stunning that hes still standing and even still wants the horrible job presiding over a generation that has no clue as to how "their" life style was created and so gently handed to them.  Pulling down statuary is just asinine. Soon, we will all be given booklets of the only knowledge acceptable by the mob that rules over us all. Yup, the great US of A is doomed. Cities are making their move hoping to convince the rest of the country they are on top of the problems of our society. 64 million voted for "what difference does it make" Hilary. And yet Trump was a bad choice? Good Greif.  :banghead:     
" When we get piled upon one another in large CITIES as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe" Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Another milestone Human society has crested
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2020, 08:23:02 PM »
what would you call this new generation out there that is now applying their virtues via internet politically..... and where next? Gun forums?

Boomers have been aggressively posting their political views online for years. I see far more "older" people posting their politics online. Heck look at this forums own political section.

It is pretty funny that Trumps big rally where the highlight was him being able to drink water was botched by a bunch of Kpop fans.

I do find it interesting that Trumps mopey teenager walk from the helicopter was the most human moment we have ever seen from him.

These are the kind of people who made trump pout.

I don't think boomers are who he meant, more likely it's these children who don't have the depth or breadth of experience or knowledge to make judgements about political matters, imho.  A few political science classes (or not) does not an expert make, and left-wing as many college teachers are they didn't even get the truth of the matter (same for history classes).

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