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Burned by the Pawn Shop
« on: July 08, 2020, 11:57:46 AM »
So, a tree fell in my front yard and is partially in the street.  It's not blocking traffic, but it's laying where I usually park.  If figured I'd just buy a chainsaw and take care of it.  I stopped by my local pawn shop  (I know, bad idea) to buy one on the cheap.  I didn't want to buy a new one to use one time.

Anyway, I asked them if they make sure the tools they buy work.  They said of course they do, so I bought a Poulan chainsaw for $85.  I took it home, and it fired right up... Until you push the trigger.  Apparently the grip safety (chainsaw version of 1911 grip safety) is busted and it won't throttle.  I took it back to the pawn shop, and asked to swap it.  Nope, all sales final, unless you buy the "Peace of Mind Plan" which covers returns for 15 days.  I said no one offered me that deal yesterday.

I showed the lady that sold it to me that it would start but not run.  I asked her if she would buy it back for $20.  She said it obviously doesn't work and she is not interested in a broken chainsaw. :x  The best they could could do was sell me another for cheap.  I HATED to give these crooks more money, but they sold me another chainsaw that runs for $35.  I asked if they could give me the "Peace of Mind Plan"  Nope, not on that one.

Lesson learned.  I should have known better than to trust a shop that makes its money fencing stolen tools.  For what I spent on this lesson I could have bought a new one.

I checked some reviews of this shop online, and they are terrible.  Some folks had pawned their AR15s because they were in a bind, and when they got them out of pawn, they discovered that their parts had been swapped out for cheaper ones.  One fellow got his AR out of pawn to find it had completely different furniture! Never again!  Rant over...
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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2020, 01:06:10 PM »
A lot of people would just buy a new saw at Lowes, use it for the clean up, and then return it.

Hang around the service desk at Lowes on a Monday morning.

You'd be surprised at some of the deals you can get.
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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 01:23:13 PM »
Hate to point this out but you could've gotten an electric one from Harbor Freight for about $50+tax.  With a 20% coupon it would've been around $40+tax. 

Yeah, I wouldn't buy stuff like that from a pawn shop.  If I bought a gun from them I'd make damn sure to examine what I was getting too.
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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2020, 03:11:12 PM »
You need lots of extension cord with the electric but they do work. 
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2020, 04:13:22 PM »
I wanted a gas one in case I ever needed to run to the hills (or camping).  There are lot of hollers in KY where there is just one road in/out.  A chainsaw can block a road/ clear a road in a hurry.

The one I bought for $35 runs great.  It's a Homelite with a Tractor Supply blade.  I got part of the work done on my lunch break.  I think I can disable/fix the 'safety' feature on the Poulan. Then I'll have two running saws for $120. 

Their attitude pissed me off more than anything.  They went from "of course it runs" to "I'm not interested in a busted chainsaw" in less than 24 hours. When I asked the lady what keeps them from selling broken merchandise she just grinned at me, as if to say "we're a pawn shop dumbass, of course we sell broken merchandise."  I wasn't wanting a refund, just to swap for one that runs. 

I should have followed the "buy once, cry once" principle and bought a brand new one from Lowe's.  Lesson learned.
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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2020, 10:43:37 PM »
They said of course they do, so I bought a Poulan chainsaw for $85.

My local Menards has a 14" Poulan Gas chainsaw on sale for $105 . . .

More importantly, I won't do business with any outfit that fences stolen property.  Don't let what you see on Pawn Stars sway you; It's not just tools they're fencing, but jewelry, electronics, etc. . . . any household item that local criminals take off with.

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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2020, 07:04:27 AM »
That should be a pretty easy fix, and I do suggest fixing it and not just disabling the safety. It is there for a reason after all.

I recently bought a nice chainsaw to have some peace of mind for hurricane season if we have a bunch of downed trees, as well for some general work around the property. I understand i'm strange by following the buy once, cry once mentality, but why would you go to a pawn shop to buy cheap tools that are notoriously dogged?


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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2020, 09:20:23 AM »
My 88 year old Father In Law has bought many of the cheaper chain saws over the years.  He would use it for a while then let it sit.  He once had a $125 Poulan serviced at the local shop.  Cost a tad over $100 :)
So, last year he went to Home Depot to buy a "better" one.  Stumbling around in the store someone convinced him to buy The Biggest, Baddest one they sold, an ECHO CS-590 Timber Wolf.  I was tempted to post this as a store review but they would likely just take it down. 

He can't start it.  The routine was, put in in the car, drive it about 100 yards to my place, have me start it-warm it up, shut it off, drive back home and cut a few things.  I charged him a one dollar starting fee each time :)
I didn't think it would be safe for this almost invalid old guy (him, not me) to be using a 59cc saw to trim branches so I upped my starting fee to $5, which he refused and the saw isn't being used now.  I offered to buy it at 50% of his cost (used) but he NEEDS his chain saw.  It's heavy enough that just carrying it to much for him.
I think he's going to just go buy another cheap saw.  If he does I'll make a hook for his Rolator. 
Owning a chain saw is a MAN thing, sort of. 
The wife's 64cc Makita (Blue Dolmar) post Katrina saw still runs great. 
Some day I'll install the 90cc 84cc piston/cylinder I have. 
« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 10:19:35 AM by Rocketvapor »
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2020, 09:45:04 AM »
why would you go to a pawn shop to buy cheap tools that are notoriously dogged?

'cuz I'm a dummy.  :lol: I didn't think it through.  I was thinking about the tree downed in my yard, and drove by a pawn shop. 

I did learn a lesson, though.  Hopefully it won't cost me any fingers!
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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2020, 10:17:30 AM »
I have a Sachs-Dolmar 112 that I bought in 1984 that still runs like a champ and I heated with wood for almost 30 years.

A little care will make a chainsaw last a long, long time.
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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2020, 10:28:01 AM »
I bought the Makita 6401 (pre California) and it is fabulous. 
Got it on sale from Northern Tool right after Katrina. 
It's a Dolmar in Makita blue.  It has the same crank case as the 79cc Dolmar but with a 64cc cylinder/piston. 
I have the 84cc kit and the black air cleaner kit that I have not installed yet.  I have the original 20" bar and 24" and 28" bar (front heavy). 
Note: skip chains are for girls :)
I like the replaceable sprocket system it uses.  Replace the $8 sprocket with a 6, 7, and 8 tooth (FAST) instead of clutch hub on some saws. Anyone ever run a stretched chain and have to replace the Clutch due to a worn out integral sprocket?

Search youtube for Makita/Dolmar big bore saws.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 10:58:46 AM by Rocketvapor »
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2020, 10:43:53 AM »
I have one or two pawn shops that I have trusted and done well with.  One of them I got a bubba'd russian sks for $165 and a remington 1100 for $125.....The Remington had a loose stock that was about to fall off and I told the guy, I want this but the stock is falling off....going to cost me to get it repaired ...he said I know how does $125 sound....I replied...only if I can borrow two screwdrivers for a minute...he looked puzzled and said sure.  I walked over and picked them out of a bin, removed the butt plate, tightened up the stock retainer nut, put the butt plate back on and said here's your screwdrivers and $ he was some pissed at himself when I walked out the door with a perfectly good 1100 for next to nothing.


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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2020, 11:27:23 PM »
I bought a new Husqvarna 460 for large work and found a small Echo 340 in my back shop that needed repairs so i fixed it for like $10 and now I have two saws. Both cut really well.


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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2020, 01:38:57 PM »
I would put that shop on BLAST through social media. May even gather some others thet were burned and contact a few local news outlets. If things are slow you might get some action.


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Re: Burned by the Pawn Shop
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2020, 06:26:19 PM »
If you paid with a CC you can probably get a refund as they sold you a faulty saw that they claimed worked. Make them come pick it up.
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