I usually check Marketplace and stuff for local listings of items, so far i have good luck with it. Just the other week i got what looks like a brand new snowblower for 100 bucks, only thing wrong with it was just old gas and wouldn't start. Drained out the old gas, cleaned the carb and works good now. I been waiting for a good deal on a small 14 inch chainsaw, either gas or a battery one for doing brush. I seen those poland saws brand new at tractor supply for like 130$ new on sale, they work ok enough to get a job done but the one i have i never used it much unless i want to cut up punky dirty wood, basically it's a beater saw that i don't care about. I think one of the better saws i used the best bang for the buck is probably echo, has more plastic/cheap parts to it and don't feel as tough as a still or even a husqvarana, but over the years i had little problems with it. The Poland for me always seems like a pain to keep it going/start cold. Even this really old homelite saw i have works better and starts easily everytime. My favorite one so far is my 044 Stihl, for a 20 inch saw it's very light, always easy to start, plenty of power as well. The other stihl saw i have is a 38 magnum II, it has a 20 inch bar and chain on it as well but man it's heavy, a lot of compression as well so it's a pain to start, i only use it for the very big stuff.