Stihl or Husqvarna.
I recently bought a Husqvarna rancher and its awesome, but both of these are the correct answer.
The rancher is nice, i used it a good amount. I am also interested in a battery smaller size saw to de limb trees. One thing i have noticed, i always borrow my friends little 14 inch gas echo for the past few years just for that reason, and with that saw having a thinner chain it actually cuts really good. I just got a new chain for it recently too because i been using it so much. One of these days i need to give it back to him and get myself something similar, i just don't know if a battery one is the way to go or how long it will last. I just find a battery one appealing because it makes no noise and is probably overall comfortable to use i would imagine.
The puland saw i also got from a friend for 100 bucks, he needed the money so i got it, it's decent enough. I had it for about two years, it even comes with a book saying this is not a professional saw, it's for occasional use or somthing. If you are doing big stuff, it does cut pretty slow. For example i was trying to use it on this tree here, and even though it will get through it, it just overall takes a lot longer. It does blog down on the bigger stuff. This one here was pretty big and i had to switch saws for it, first tree i tried to use the pouland on.
IMG_20180516_085151 by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr
rooted 2 by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr
Here are some other photos as well from the storms we been having the past few years, supposedly there was a microburst/ downburst or whatever the technical term for it is, and it took down a lot of trees.
IMG_20180516_085636 by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr
rooted by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr
IMG_20180516_090053 by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr
This tree i believe is a yellow locus, great burning firewood. It burns hot and clean and leave fine ashes, a little bit stringy to split however.
IMG_20200824_105234 by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr
IMG_20200821_121106 by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr
I have enough firewood for the next few years just from this one storm alone lol
IMG_20190613_171654 by
Bobbert Mcarthy, on Flickr