Author Topic: Question about the magazine follower and feed lip  (Read 2275 times)

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Question about the magazine follower and feed lip
« on: November 24, 2020, 05:45:53 PM »
First, apologize if the nomenclature is off. I have been having failure to feed issues on a 1954 Tula and just picked up a backup magazine (don't want to jack up a mostly working mag without backup) which appears to be a 1949 to 1953 (there is a gap below the locking lug).  I noticed that the follower is aligned with differently with respect to the magazine feed lips. I took a look at the mag from my Norinco and it has a different alignment. All of these are the factory magazines, not TAPCO etc.

1954 mag (original) the top of the follower is even with the feed lips and parallel to them
1949-1953 mag (backup) the top of the follower is above the feed lips and not parallel, it slants at a forward  angle towards the barrel
APX 1966 mag (Norinco) the top of the follower is just under the feed lips and parallel to them

I read a post on sksboards talking about the relation of the magazine follower to the feed lips but cannot find it. What should be the proper alignment/placement of the follower to the lips? Thanks
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Re: Question about the magazine follower and feed lip
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2020, 12:36:44 PM »
  The feed lips them selves should all have the same matching position in the receiver. And that is following the angle and contour of the mag lip relief cut in the walls of the receiver. The follower is a bit less important than the feed lips them selves. Mainly its how the follower retains the cartridge with even tension at the rim and at the bullet end. It should be relatively equal tension at both ends of the cartridge. If the follower cant provide that, You need to look at the follower spring and hinge links to make sure they are not bent or compromised in their movement. Magazine feed issues in a SKS 10rnd box is not common. 
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