I for one would rather every frickin Karen be required to have it 1st if we are beta testing.
We are doing everything just about backwards on this and wonder why its failing.
Nursing homes and long term care facilities are hit the hardest, despite having some of the most draconian lock downs in the country. My mother in law was put into a local nursing home from assisted living after getting a severe non covid respiratory infection early this spring, Covid hit, lock downs began, no one besides staff in or out, and have limited what you can send in. Yet they have had continual covid surges in the facility since, culminating into a solid 9 month lock down and still multiple infections and deaths. The non life threatening healthcare is stopped during all this, like eyes and hearing etc, podiatry and dermatology is deemed non essential. They keep increasing mitigation and it doesn't seem to stop it from reinfecting the facilities as staff keep bringing it in despite tests and screening. To say its bleak for these people is an understatement.
From what I read and hear they are all like that. NE announced they would give the 1st vaccines to care givers and care facility occupants, and then prisons as well.