Author Topic: Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...  (Read 1981 times)

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Frisco Pete

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Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...
« on: December 17, 2020, 12:29:38 PM »
Utah's inmates are slated to get the coronavirus vaccine in March, part of a second wave following medical workers, teachers and patients in long-term care facilities.

Utah's prison system and its county jails will get to decide who in their custody is first in line for the shots,

I don’t know about anyone else here, but does it make you feel as warm and fuzzy  :roll: as I feel knowing that murderers, rapists, child molesters, thieves, meth/oxy/heroin dealers, and various other dregs of society are going to get the coronavirus vaccine before honest, tax paying seniors, or ANY law-abiding citizen does?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 07:13:33 PM by Frisco Pete »
If there are guns in the room - one of them had better belong to you!


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Re: Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2020, 12:36:40 PM »
Experiments ?
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

Flo just received her EXPERT Mid range card from the NRA.


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Re: Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2020, 12:44:42 PM »
Im fine with this, test it out on them before you give it to my wife's 80yr old great grandfather

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Re: Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2020, 01:11:10 PM »
I for one would rather every frickin Karen be required to have it 1st if we are beta testing.   

We are doing everything just about backwards on this and wonder why its failing.

Nursing homes and long term care facilities are hit the hardest, despite having some of the most draconian lock downs in the country.  My mother in law was put into a local nursing home from assisted living after getting a severe non covid respiratory  infection early this spring,  Covid hit, lock downs began, no one besides staff in or out, and have limited what you can send in. Yet they have had continual covid surges in the facility since, culminating into a solid 9 month lock down and still multiple infections and deaths.   The non life threatening healthcare is stopped during all this, like eyes and hearing etc, podiatry and dermatology is deemed non essential.  They keep increasing mitigation and it doesn't seem to stop it from reinfecting the facilities as staff keep bringing it in despite tests and screening.  To say its bleak for these people is an understatement.

From what I read and hear they are all like that.  NE announced they would give the 1st vaccines to care givers and care facility occupants, and then prisons as well. 
Experience is the hardest kind of teacher, it gives the test 1st and the lesson after.

Courage is knowing it may hurt and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same.
This is why life is so hard.


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Re: Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2020, 11:51:54 PM »
 I worked 6 different "Dorm Room" state prison officer's stations and the most used setting in prison is in fact dorms that coup up any where from 25 to 60 inmates that I personally worked. They don't have but 48" tall wall partitions between the bed cubicles. If the inmate cube next to the officer's desk farts, you get the effect of it. These medium & minimum security joints are breeding grounds for a variety of diseases. Dorm Officers are mandated to get 6 month PPD tests. It would be impossible to keep ANY kind of lid on a Covid out brake in prison dorms. The vaccine shots (if they work) would save the tax payers a S*** Ton of money in out side hospitalizations of Inmates. I was in the Prison system when AIDS first hit in the late 80's and that was a huge cost uptick in prison funding to guide those inmates into a guaranteed grave via hospitalization.
" When we get piled upon one another in large CITIES as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe" Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2020, 01:28:10 PM »
I'm sorry, I guess I'm more hardcore than others. A bullet in the head is far cheaper than housing thousands of scum in prisons across the country. I'm even willing to provide the ammo! Pull the guards back to the walls and let the inmates run the inside. Provide the basic stuff, water, rice, beans and let the inmates care for themselves. Make a TV show of it, call it "Survivor - Attica" or whatever prison it's filmed in.
It will be more realistic than the current Survivor show! If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!

I worked hard and paid taxes for 47 yrs and I'm now retired, diabetic, bad heart with a quad by-pass and one stent and I'm going to be placed behind inmates? That's just not right!
All political power proceeds from the barrel of a gun; you register and ban the firearms before the slaughter begins.
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Re: Inmates Get COVID-19 Vaccine...
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2021, 08:49:02 PM »
I'm sorry, I guess I'm more hardcore than others. A bullet in the head is far cheaper than housing thousands of scum in prisons across the country. I'm even willing to provide the ammo! Pull the guards back to the walls and let the inmates run the inside. Provide the basic stuff, water, rice, beans and let the inmates care for themselves. Make a TV show of it, call it "Survivor - Attica" or whatever prison it's filmed in.
It will be more realistic than the current Survivor show! If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!

I worked hard and paid taxes for 47 yrs and I'm now retired, diabetic, bad heart with a quad by-pass and one stent and I'm going to be placed behind inmates? That's just not right!

  What does "right" have to do with the direction of anything today? Our society is build on capitalism. Its a great way to build wealth rather quickly as China is the latest to embrace its fruits. The old saying of "Money, is at the heart of all evil" is more relative today as its ever been. Money can very quickly stimulate all 5 human senses in desirable ways. While the creating of a faith in God based life style is at very best illusive upon a comfortably tranquil society. Money determines whats right or wrong and even that litigation will only happen if the cash purse is adequate to open litigation in the first place.  Personally, My idea of how to treat a 100 percent convicted murderer is to make a coffin for 2 and put them into the coffin right along side the victim, give them a breather tube to the surface and bury them both and record his/her utterings. Make a training tape of these murderers and play it for HS seniors before they are let out into society. Let the victim's family decide if they get out and into prison. Or just dig them up and away from their victim after they die in the hole. Sounds Sick? Yeah it does but I baby sat some real scum bag killers while they watched sex seen's on HBO and played & worked out in the rec areas so I had a few years to think about it.  Its sad to even think in these terms but it is what it is..... God help me get over it.
" When we get piled upon one another in large CITIES as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe" Thomas Jefferson