My in-laws are 82 yrs old and are scroungers! They know every gravel pit and wide spot in the county where people go to shoot and party. They go into the mountains everyday to pick up brass but what's amazing is how much loaded ammo they find just laying on the ground! Boxes of it! Boxes of .223/5.56, 7.62X39, .270, .22lr, 12 ga, everything! My FIL sells a bunch of it and hasn't had to buy 22LR in years. I get all the X39 they find but I'm pretty well stocked with the various calibers I shoot. If I need brass, all I have to do is ask! They even have found money laying on the ground. $5 here, a $20 there. My MIL even found a $100 bill once! Cases of beer, partial bottles of liquor. It's amazing what they find. As for the brass, they have standing orders with people they know for 300 Blk out, 30-06 and a few others. They just gather the brass mostly for scrap. Just before Christmas they hauled 6000 lbs of just brass to the scrap yd! I think they got $1.60 a lb for it! During the obama years and even now, they always find plenty of brass & ammo on the ground even though you can't find ammo in the stores, someone is getting a hold of it and shooting it, getting drunk, dropping loaded ammo and money all around for someone to find.