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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2021, 05:11:21 AM »
I sold a few hundred rounds to family members, but now I have friends asking me to sell them some.Sadly, I had to turn them down.
 I warned anyone who would listen that while Trump was in office, to buy as much ammo and reloading supplies as possible. I have never reloaded a single cartridge, but I bought a ****load of supplies and a couple used reloading presses. I have reloading dies for every caliber I need.
When the SHTF you better already have it at hand, because it won't be on the shelves when you get to the Wal-Mart land.


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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2021, 07:53:52 AM »
It ended yesterday evening, The 223 ammo went for close to what I listed, most went for 90 cents, some at a buck or more, but the 22lr was at the previous panic price or more.

2 500rd rem thunderbolt - $250, the most expensive 22lr ammo of the day.
1box 333, 1 box 555 Winchester as one lot - $150
2 333rd Winchester - $150

They were welcome to it.
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2021, 08:40:39 AM »
It’s crazy, this is by far harder hitting than the last 3 panics. I’m solid on 22lr but I’m much lower on 9mm and 223/5.56 than I’d like to be.


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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2021, 11:48:33 AM »
I sold a few hundred rounds to family members, but now I have friends asking me to sell them some.Sadly, I had to turn them down.
 I warned anyone who would listen that while Trump was in office, to buy as much ammo and reloading supplies as possible. I have never reloaded a single cartridge, but I bought a ****load of supplies and a couple used reloading presses. I have reloading dies for every caliber I need.

This is me too. While ammo was cheaper, I got a boatload and dies in X39, X54, X51, .45, .357, .30-06, .30-30, .22-250, .270, .41, 9MM, 5.56, .303, and a Lyman 4 turret press. I haven't assembled a round and I'm still running $4 white box Uly. PAX
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2021, 12:03:32 PM »
 Local farm implement store has...
 .22lr  .06 cents
  9mm .36 "
  223   .55 "
  7.62x39 (Tula/Red Army)  .32
  .177 pellets for .01 cents
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2021, 12:26:31 PM »
Local farm implement store has...

At those prices, I'm surprised you didn't buy them out . . . especially on 22LR & 9mm.

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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2021, 12:37:52 PM »
I'm good on ammo as long as I don't NEED to share with neighbors. I bought several years ago when it was not on the "most wanted" list. I won't be going to the gun range though. If I am short of anything, it would be 12g 00buck. I have tons of "bird" stuff. I guess that will still hurt pretty bad at close range.
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2021, 01:21:21 PM »
There’s some 77gr factory subsonic ammo for sale on another site I’m on for $2.00 a round/$40 a box.

Of course it’s a new member as of today and his 1st post.

Good luck to him.


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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2021, 10:26:14 PM »
Was at sportsmen’s warehouse today, they had nothing in the way of reloading stuff or ammunition. I found two 5 round boxes of 3” mag turkey loads 12ga #2 shot. 7.99 ea. They had a few bags of 12ga wads. Got one $11. Many people looking at rifles and pistols with no ammo to make em work?

Stopped by the Ace I’ve talked about before. Got two pounds of powder. Herco and tite wad and a hundred count XTP 32 cal pistol bullets for the Bond, James Bond pistol. :)

I passed on the 100 count 7.62 x 39 Hornady brass for $44. Didn’t see any primers. They some ammo, nothing popular but more than sportsman’s.
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2021, 10:38:12 AM »
I'm stocked up enough that I am sure I can survive this panic. If anything the ARs and Glocks will get a break and the 44mag lever action, milsurps, and revolvers will get dusted of.

I just wish I had a chance to blow money on a Ruger 57 and few other don't need but want guns.


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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2021, 05:31:40 PM »
I'm stocked up enough that I am sure I can survive this panic. If anything the ARs and Glocks will get a break and the 44mag lever action, milsurps, and revolvers will get dusted of.

I just wish I had a chance to blow money on a Ruger 57 and few other don't need but want guns.

Just shot one of those yesterday! They are pretty accurate shooters. I have the barrel off it. Today, I'm to turn threads onto the barrel and OD sleeve it with a 1/2x 28 extension bushing for the guy that owns it cuz no one makes an extended threaded barrel. Seemed you shoot for a very long time benching groups out of a 20 rnd mag thats flush. My problem with it was its so light, my shakiness was really starting to annoy me! Golden years my ass....  :roll:
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2021, 07:05:46 PM »
My in-laws are 82 yrs old and are scroungers! They know every gravel pit and wide spot in the county where people go to shoot and party. They go into the mountains everyday to pick up brass but what's amazing is how much loaded ammo they find just laying on the ground! Boxes of it! Boxes of .223/5.56, 7.62X39, .270, .22lr, 12 ga, everything! My FIL sells a bunch of it and hasn't had to buy 22LR in years. I get all the X39 they find but I'm pretty well stocked with the various calibers I shoot. If I need brass, all I have to do is ask! They even have found money laying on the ground. $5 here, a $20 there. My MIL even found a $100 bill once! Cases of beer, partial bottles of liquor. It's amazing what they find. As for the brass, they have standing orders with people they know for 300 Blk out, 30-06 and a few others. They just gather the brass mostly for scrap. Just before Christmas they hauled 6000 lbs of just brass to the scrap yd! I think they got $1.60 a lb for it! During the obama years and even now, they always find plenty of brass & ammo on the ground even though you can't find ammo in the stores, someone is getting a hold of it and shooting it, getting drunk, dropping loaded ammo and money all around for someone to find.
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2021, 04:47:21 AM »
 I have a couple of boxes of ammo , I should be ok
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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2021, 05:41:46 AM »
Saw a guy today on one of the PA firearms forums selling 1500 rounds of .22lr for $450.00 firm.  :roll:

Anyone wanna jump on this deal I would be happy to facilitate it for you for a 15% broker fee.  :lol:

I feel like someone needs to remind these people that ammunition hasn't been banned from online sale, taxed, or restricted yet so they may want to wait a few weeks until the new admin gets busy breaking everything 1st.


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Re: Panic mentality is just stupid
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2021, 07:30:05 AM »
Heh, well to be fair, I do have a 'couple of boxes' that would be over 4700 rds, my wife gave me grief when one came and that's what I said to her. "Its just a  box of ammo"  :lol:
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