I got to grope a Turkish Benelli clone at the LGS yesterday. This one was branded as TriStar. They only had the one, and it was on layaway by a customer, so they couldn't sell it to me. The man behind the counter said they were a popular selling shotgun. I asked about the difference in quality among the various Turkish shotgun manufacturers, and he said he really couldn't tell the difference between them.
They were selling the TriStar M4 clones for $749 at the LGS. The Panzer M4 I was looking at initially was going for $549 by Classic, but they sold out. The new stock they got in was Radikal brand, and selling for $599. I looked at a bunch of Radikal products online, and they looked no better/worse than the other Turkish brands, so I ended up ordering one from Classic. It will probably be a while before it gets here, but I'm excited about it. I've been wanting a SA shotgun for awhile now. I wanted a Mossberg 930, but will have to settle for a Benelli forgery from Turkey.
I'm optimistic, but we'll see...