I applaud your desires for perfection in an imperfect world. Me, on the other hand see the USA as the best stab at it but the fact that the world population has little to no idea why they were born here in the first place plays out to that imperfection that solidly places each and every one in a search for ones self meaning. You have chosen one not of this world. To think your principals transcend the reality of what we live in is ... rather delusional in its self. As valiant as principal my be, IMO the only true test of it is in the faith of the rule of God over all this Yin Yan of soup we live in.
Look at it this way, imagine you are God. You fully feel the hopes, desires, loves & hates of the living conscience collective mind that live within the "principals" set forth in the US Constitution. In the minds of sound bites, you need to choose a counter balance against the forces in the world that is hell bent on usurping the freedom of thought, mind & movement. A great many folks are politically inept so they vote party & in name recognition only. NO ONE has garnered the 75 + million as Trump has for a God given reason. He reflects the majority of our principals in the definition of America. Has he done AH things.... most certainly. But, he has shown the desire to LISTEN to his constituents FAR, far more than the left ever will other than their radicals. Stretch this all out over our social history and you will see that while the world is in self rule, your principals as taken from our constitution is waning across the globe. In the Flesh, it aint going to get any better than a Trump. He now stands as a corrective measure against the Romny of Republicans. Clearly, the man was a God send to the fractures within the Republic. Clearly, we have all been AH's at one time or another but Trump is our American AH that has raised our banner higher and waved it wider over Americans than any other OUTSIDE the political cast of corruption. A trade off on a Business scoundrel of sorts, I'm sure there are skeletons in that closet but like I said, if you want perfection in the flesh, wait for the second coming. I have enjoyed our discourse. You are a fine American Judah80.