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Response to Xtriggerman
« on: March 13, 2021, 11:35:17 AM »
Posting this here because it doesn't really belong in the other thread.

He banned a stock as a machine gun. He publicly endorsed red flag laws. A bit wacky? His whole presidency was a circus and he was the ring leader. You can blame the media but he fed into the whole frenzy at every turn. A lot of people liked his lack of filter, but just as often as not it showed his stupidity and complete lack of awareness. I don't buy the 3D chess. He had no tact, and the harder he pushed the more resistance he got and the end result was he made very few lasting changes.

 Heres one list of his circus act despite a harassment like I'v never seen in the 44 years I'v been voting.

Bump stocks??? Really? they are a joke right along all the other NFA garbage that you have consumed like the 922R and the rest of the political feel good BS. MEANINGLESS...... Red Flag? yeah I had that in NY when I left. Did he sign any into law? Blow that out another orifice. If half of the above list was true, I, personally would keep my mouth shut about knocking the guy since whats on the other side of the isle what you now deserve coming at you in spades. Ammo a plenty, no fear of a jack booted fed flash banging your front door because the NSA KNOWS about every single gun anything you purchased with a credit card.  Nothing 3D here. Its black or white. For Trumps first 2 years, for a newb in the swamp, I think he did exceptionally well for the American Dream. EVERY political corner tried tearing this guy apart along with his family & business. You have to be crazy to put your family threw the onslaught of lawsuits & relentless defamation the left lavished on this guy..... only because he wanted to make America great again after he traveled hundreds of places out side America and felt the liberals declining our base principals to no end. A perfect guy.... no. But his heart was in the right place for being a NYC boy, I am shocked he got as much right as he did!  And now you all have what you have.   I'v been fixing things since I was 8 years old. This problem people have of not seeing the trees in the forest is just a walk away instance of "Dont Bother". If you all dont get it by now with topics like this header were on now..... its painfully obvious were watching the de-evolution of human cognitive ability of evaluating the onslaught of social engineering free will into an assimilation of inmate permission slips.  The last vestige of sanity will be the 10th.  JMO.

Bump stocks are joke. The banning of bump stocks is not a joke. Bypassing the legal process of making something illegal is an incredibly dangerous precedent. Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. When I say I stand on my principles I mean I will not let such egregious acts of law changes done through an enforcement agency slip by because "good economy". The dude showed his true colors when he said "take their guns and due process later", and I refuse to let that kind of s*** slide because of money.

they are a joke right along all the other NFA garbage that you have consumed
Yeah, Try telling that to the people who make and own a honey badger.

Yup, what we have now is worse. You can blame me all you want but I'll never back a man who so clearly disregarded my rights. "Oh, he didn't disregard your rights as much as the other guy". Like I said, I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils. I'm ready to die for my principles whether it be under a Trump admin or a Biden.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2021, 01:55:29 PM »
  I applaud your desires for perfection in an imperfect world.  Me, on the other hand see the USA as the best stab at it but the fact that the world population has little to no idea why they were born here in the first place plays out to that imperfection that solidly places each and every one in a search for ones self meaning. You have chosen one not of this world. To think your principals transcend the reality of what we live in is ... rather delusional in its self.  As valiant as principal my be, IMO the only true test of it is in the faith of the rule of God over all this Yin Yan of soup we live in.
  Look at it this way, imagine you are God. You fully feel the hopes, desires, loves & hates of the living conscience collective mind that live within the "principals" set forth in the US Constitution. In the minds of sound bites, you need to choose a counter balance against the forces in the world that is   hell  bent on usurping the freedom of thought, mind & movement. A great many folks are politically inept so they vote party & in name recognition only. NO ONE has garnered the 75 + million as Trump has for a God given reason. He reflects the majority of our principals in the definition of America. Has he done AH things.... most certainly. But, he has shown the desire to LISTEN to his constituents FAR, far more than the left ever will other than their radicals.  Stretch this all out over our social history and you will see that while the world is in self rule, your principals as taken from our constitution is waning across the globe. In the Flesh, it aint going to get any better than a Trump. He now stands as a corrective measure against the Romny of Republicans. Clearly, the man was a God send to the fractures within the Republic. Clearly, we have all been AH's at one time or another but Trump is our American AH that has raised our banner higher and waved it wider over Americans than any other OUTSIDE the political cast of corruption. A trade off on a Business scoundrel of sorts, I'm sure there are skeletons in that closet but like I said, if you want perfection in the flesh, wait for the second coming. I have enjoyed our discourse. You are a fine American Judah80.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2021, 02:45:37 PM »
I am not looking for perfection. I do not believe in perfection beyond that inperfection itself is perfection in that it creates uniqueness. The chaos of life is a type of perfection and true perfection, in literal terms, is an illusion or fantasy. I will not be waiting for a second coming because I do not believe in the first. But that is a philosophical discussion and not really here nor there in regard to this discussion.

The reality is that I have principles I'm willing to compromise on and ones I am not, like most people. I have chosen my hill and drawn my line. I believe that the first and second amendments are the most important and any more compromise is an endeavor towards the destruction of everything I hold most dear as a country. If those are unrealistic principles then, as far as I'm concerned, it's already too late and everything from hear on is an exercise in futility.

I will continue to fight, but I'm done compromising.

You are also a very fine American. And in the worst case scenario, I would be proud to call you brother and fight beside you.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2021, 03:14:32 PM »
I am not looking for perfection. I do not believe in perfection beyond that inperfection itself is perfection in that it creates uniqueness. The chaos of life is a type of perfection and true perfection, in literal terms, is an illusion or fantasy. I will not be waiting for a second coming because I do not believe in the first. But that is a philosophical discussion and not really here nor there in regard to this discussion.

The reality is that I have principles I'm willing to compromise on and ones I am not, like most people. I have chosen my hill and drawn my line. I believe that the first and second amendments are the most important and any more compromise is an endeavor towards the destruction of everything I hold most dear as a country. If those are unrealistic principles then, as far as I'm concerned, it's already too late and everything from hear on is an exercise in futility.

I will continue to fight, but I'm done compromising.

You are also a very fine American. And in the worst case scenario, I would be proud to call you brother and fight beside you.

Not looking for a fight here, but, why are you pro Biden? At least it seems you are pro Biden? Or, is it just anti Trump?
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2021, 03:44:10 PM »
I'm neither pro Biden nor anti Trump. I am pro first and second amendment. I was very close to voting for Trump, but his lack of attention to my most precious beliefs left a very bad taste in my mouth. For all the good he'd done his lack of care for the second and his complete mishandling of the first made it feel like a vote for him was like taking the apple from the snake.

I've talked about his second amendment blunders, but his inability to use his position to go after social media censorship was nearly as bad. Oh sure, he rallied against them every chance he got. But he used their platform to do it! And they ate it up. Every time he tweeted something and it got removed or "fact checked" it was a win for Twitter. It got to the point where I'm screaming in my head "Why the F are you still using it you buffoon!!!?." It seems to me like he was more worried about making the most noise rather then actually fighting the system. There were other platforms he could have moved to and it would have had an effect but he just continued to pound his head against a wall and really all it did was give Twitter what they wanted, legitimacy.

Why does not voting for Trump or Biden make me anything other then a disgruntled citizen increasingly disgusted by the two party system?
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2021, 03:58:17 PM »
I'm neither pro Biden nor anti Trump. I am pro first and second amendment. I was very close to voting for Trump, but his lack of attention to my most precious beliefs left a very bad taste in my mouth. For all the good he'd done his lack of care for the second and his complete mishandling of the first made it feel like a vote for him was like taking the apple from the snake.

I've talked about his second amendment blunders, but his inability to use his position to go after social media censorship was nearly as bad. Oh sure, he rallied against them every chance he got. But he used their platform to do it! And they ate it up. Every time he tweeted something and it got removed or "fact checked" it was a win for Twitter. It got to the point where I'm screaming in my head "Why the F are you still using it you buffoon!!!?." It seems to me like he was more worried about making the most noise rather then actually fighting the system. There were other platforms he could have moved to and it would have had an effect but he just continued to pound his head against a wall and really all it did was give Twitter what they wanted, legitimacy.

Why does not voting for Trump or Biden make me anything other then a disgruntled citizen increasingly disgusted by the two party system?

All well and good. It ISN'T the Presidents job/responsibility to see that "others" follow the Constitution. That falls to Congress and the Senate but to a greater degree, it falls to the States themselves. The States seem to be waking up. But Congress/Senate are hell-bound to destroy this great Country. Just IF we survive the next 2 years will tell us if we "make it or break it". Congress and the Senate are bound and determined to disarm the populace, while they keep their armed body guards. Doesn't that scare the crap out you? What does that remind you of? Think back through your world history classes.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2021, 04:10:45 PM »
It ISN'T the Presidents job/responsibility to see that "others" follow the Constitution.

Maybe to some extent. But it is his job to make sure he and his admin follows it, and that includes his enforcement agencies.

I voted house and senate, but as I live in a very blue district it doesn't matter much. And when I move to a very red district it still won't matter much. I'm having trouble trying to see your point.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2021, 06:38:02 PM »
It ISN'T the Presidents job/responsibility to see that "others" follow the Constitution.

Maybe to some extent. But it is his job to make sure he and his admin follows it, and that includes his enforcement agencies.

I voted house and senate, but as I live in a very blue district it doesn't matter much. And when I move to a very red district it still won't matter much. I'm having trouble trying to see your point.

That's because you believe in Utopia. All is good or none of it matters. Ever take a personality test where the questions are, "which of the following do you prefer? All questions MUST be answered". You hate both possibilities, but the instructions say you must answer. So, you take the least offensive. That is reality.
There is but one language and that is the English language. Teddy R., 1907
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2021, 07:11:46 PM »
That is the opposite of reality. In reality, I don't have to choose either option.

I do not believe in Utopia. I believe a step toward the end of freedom is a step in the wrong direction regardless of how big that step is. You believe in false hope. You believe a small step in the wrong direction will somehow lead you down the right path.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2021, 08:44:26 PM »
We didn't get to where we are at because we insisted too much on keeping our rights. At one time it was just machine guns, those are a waste anyway.  It was just mail order sales, a person doesn't need to mail order guns.  It was just background checks, its just to keep them out the wrong hands.  It was just a bump stock, those are stupid anyway.  There is never too far if you seek to justify capitulation.

If you never try for perfection, you only get half of what you can even settle for and end up justifying that to yourself. 

This is the issue our founders faced, the continual loss of their freedom and encroachment of totalitarian govt, and they eventually had enough and were willing to stand and bear that cost to remove that control.  Have we?  Doesn't seem like it.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2021, 09:14:04 PM »
That is the opposite of reality. In reality, I don't have to choose either option.

I do not believe in Utopia. I believe a step toward the end of freedom is a step in the wrong direction regardless of how big that step is. You believe in false hope. You believe a small step in the wrong direction will somehow lead you down the right path.

 You may not " choose" either option, but you're GETTING one of those options whether you " choose" to like it or not.

 There is absolutely zero nobility or depth of character or principle to sitting it out and then bitching about it becuase you won't face the reality that life is sometimes an either/ or situation with neither choice particualarly attractive...
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2021, 09:36:32 PM »
You may not " choose" either option, but you're GETTING one of those options whether you " choose" to like it or not

Yup. Such is life.

I am not whining about it. I am simply defending my decision because I am being blamed for a path I did not choose. I have embraced the path laid before me. Have you embraced the path laid before you? Or are you going to continue to blame those that also did not choose this path? If I had voted for Trump, what then? Where would we be? If my vote had been the deciding factor and I chose not to vote for Trump, what then? Would you crucify me? String me up? Or would you quit your bitching, put your head down, and take life as it comes?

I hold no ill will towards you for your convictions. Why do you against me for mine? Is it really my fault? Really?
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2021, 09:47:17 PM »
My whole family voted for Trump. My wife, all four of my kids, my brother and best friend, my mother, and my co-workers. None of them blame me for the situation we are in. In fact, they respect my conviction and principles.
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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2021, 10:09:47 PM »
There is no greater truth, if you vote for flawed people, don't be surprised you get flawed people.   I get no one is perfect, but when you vote for someone, you vote for all of them,  not just the parts you like.   Apparently everything trump did was tolerated and condoned, including the bumpstock ban, because if you criticized him you must have had TDS.   
Experience is the hardest kind of teacher, it gives the test 1st and the lesson after.

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Re: Response to Xtriggerman
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2021, 03:51:56 PM »
Oh sure, he rallied against them every chance he got. But he used their platform to do it! And they ate it up. Every time he tweeted something and it got removed or "fact checked" it was a win for Twitter. It got to the point where I'm screaming in my head "Why the F are you still using it you buffoon!!!?

  Trump and conservatives should of switched and used parlor where they don't censor free speech or opinions.
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