Sidney Powell, who was supposed to have "released the Kraken", is now saying that she was just kidding, and no "reasonable person" would believe her claims.
According to Sidney Powell, Sidney Powell is a fraud, and not to be believed. This would have been handy to know around January 5th. Her and her pals have caused some folks some serious legal trouble. Cashing in on the gullible is all fun and games, until you get sued for defamation.
Her team put this out.
"As the DC Circuit reaffirmed just last week, there is no claim for defamation when the alleged “defamatory” statement is a legal opinion. Ms. Powell’s statements fall precisely into this category. Ms. Powell reviewed sworn affidavits, declarations, expert testimony, and other highly corroborated evidence concerning the election which Ms. Powell filed with the courts and shared publicly. She continues to stand by those opinions today. Our motion, in part, argues that the Dominion case should be dismissed because legal opinions are not grounds for defamation."
Rather unlike the Lindell law suit, She folded like a cheap camera. If she had honest intentions and the gonads to see this threw, she should have fell on her own sword if her kracken was of substance rather than just a made up green screen. There was an Army of Brutus's swirling around Trump from day one that resulted in nothing more than swamp gas bubbles breaking the surface from the "Trump Defenders"

. Still not a word on the Lindell hearing....
On another note, I watched a few clips of the phony charlatan & thief in his so called press interview. A cut & dried case of Americans dirt roading Americans with a sadistic passion. I'v never, ever been so ashamed of being an American watching this mentally ill man, represent the country. To let this charlatan slim his way into the highest office speaks volumes of how well run the deep state is with in all branches of the Federal Government AND states of consequence. Very Sad..... and seeing folks grovel over ammunition in fear of their liberties..... Just wow.