Author Topic: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)  (Read 5114 times)

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Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« on: March 15, 2021, 02:45:08 PM »
This is the Radikal SAX 2 I picked up from Classic. This is a Turkish clone of the Benelli M4.  Several companies out of Turkey make these.  Reviews online seem to be pretty favorable, but overall seems to be the luck of the draw.  Apparently I got a good one!  \:D/

The fit and finish is good.  The one I saw in a LGS had a small gap where you could see a crack of daylight where the stock mates up to the receiver.  This one does not have that, and the bluing is very even and dark.  The scratch on the mag tube is from me taking it down for an initial cleaning before hitting the range.  It's always a good idea to clean and inspect any new firearm, and this was no exception.  The pistons in the gas plug were covered in grease, and the Benelli manual stresses several times that the gas system does not get lubrication. 

I did replace one of the O Rings that was torn with a Benelli OEM ring.  I found them for $6.99 online and picked up 3.  I probably didn't need to do this, as one fellow ran his without O rings just to see what would happen, and it cycled everything fine.

I finally got to the range with this yesterday, and ran approximately 50 00buck, 10 slugs, 75+ field loads, and 15-20 random shotgun shells I bought at the flea market that included 3" magnum slugs, low recoil 00buck, high brass #5 shot, and everything in between. 

Out of 150+ random shotgun shells, there were 0 malfunctions!  My only issue was that this thing was shipped to me missing the windage adjustment screw from the rear sight, so I put a cheap BSA reflex sight on there, and the 12gauge killed it in short order.  From then on I was just point shooting and didn't get to sight in or bother experimenting with different chokes.  I'll do that when I get the sights straightened out and/or optic put on there.

So far I am super happy with this purchase, and it may be my new favorite gun!  It is a BLAST to shoot, and it didn't miss a beat even with the low brass Federal field loads from WalMart.  I even "ghost loaded" it a few times, and mag dumped 7 rounds as fast I could, and it just kept running.

My next step is to keep riding Classics customer service to get me that windage adjustment screw.  I can buy one online for $20+shipping, but you shouldn't have to shop for parts for a brand new gun.  I will also put a dot on there at some point, I'm looking at microdots like the Burris Fastfire III.

There are several factories putting these out, such as TriStar, Charles Daly, Panzer, Toros and I'm sure some that I missed.  I just lucked into getting this one from Radikal, as it seems some of the others have canted sights and don't run low brass very well.  If missing the windage adjustment screw is the only downside, I'll be a happy camper!

The LGS has the Toros version for $799, but I got this one from Classic for $599. It was right at $700 with shipping, tax and FFL fee.

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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2021, 04:06:56 PM »
Sounds like video time.
The wife's TriStar ($269 plus tax @ Academy a few years back ?) runs great.
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2021, 11:38:15 AM »
 I've got a Turkish pump - an ATI- that I  got for $99 from Palmetto on sale a few years ago, runs great...

 I also have a Tisas 1911 that's been flawless...

 The Turks make pretty good guns...

« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 12:38:02 PM by ranger1968 »
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2021, 12:30:15 PM »
Just bought a Canik TP9SFX....about 200 rnds through it so far and its flawless. Its also 20+1 :shock:

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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2021, 12:58:30 PM »
I'm pretty happy with this one.  I'm not having any luck getting the windage adjustment screw from Classic.  They gave me an email link to Radikal Arms support, but the link is dead.  Turkish guns, pretty good, Turkish customer service, non existent.

I will probably just bite the bullet and buy a Benelli OEM screw, but anything from Benelli is pricey.  I will probably never need it, but when I look at this gun, all I see is that missing screw. :shock:

Even still, this is my new favorite gun.  Blasting things with a shotgun is good fun!  I'm planning to put a lightweight dot on it.  I have a Holosun with a circle-dot reticle that I'm going to stick on there for the time being.  If that works out, I may keep it on there and pick up a Vortex 1x6 for the AR 15 I would be taking it off of. 

I have to say, the Radikal SAX 2 seems to be a step above of some other brands I've seen as far as finish.  Some folks with the Charles Daly had to take an emery cloth to smooth out some machine marks on the bolt to get them to run smooth.  The action on this one is smooth, and it cycles everything I've put in it. I have no doubt that the real Benelli m4 is far superior, but for 1/3 the price, this gun was a great value, even with the missing screw.
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2021, 08:05:57 PM »
Glad you are enjoying it AND that it functions as it should out of the box.  Still stuck in the old ages with a couple o pumps.  Just can't seem to make the jump to semi on 12g.  Coworker got a Kalashnikov 12g came with 10 round box mag. 

Did you mention how many it holds? 8+1?
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2021, 08:38:44 PM »
I was wondering the same thing. That mag looks like it would hold 5-6 tops.
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2021, 09:34:14 PM »
This is actually a 7 round length mag tube limited to 5 rounds for import.  You can see the 'ribs' on the limited mag, while the 7 round is just a smooth tube.  I may put a 7 round mag tube from Dave's Metal Works on there

at some point, but right now I'm focused getting the sights lined out and some sort of optic.  This may also put me in 922r territory, and I don't want to go there just yet.

I also want one of the 'speed bars' pictured in the link above.  The bolt release button is small and stiff, and that bar is a simple solution that's easily reversible.  I think the 'ghost loading' is fun at the range and people like it for 3 gun, but I wouldn't want to do that in a real life defensive situation.

Here is a quick video on what ghost loading is and how to do it.  I  can cram 7 rounds in this way, and that would be 9 rounds with the extended magazine.  I have to say 7 rounds of rapid fire 12 gauge is pretty fun, but 9 rounds would be 2 rounds more fun!

I'm not decided yet if an optic on a shotgun is good for me, but Radikal didn't leave me much choice with no stability or adjustment on the ghost ring.  I know the crappy BSA reflex I had on there was WAY too high for me.  I like cheek weld, not chin weld.  I do have a low mount for the Holosun, so I'll test drive that on there and go from there.

Classic is working with me to try to get the missing windage screw.  I cc:d them in my email to Radikal, and when they saw that it was undeliverable, they sent me contact information for the importer (SDS Imports out of TN) and I shot them an email.  I can get one from Benelli, but I don't want to drop $30 on one Italian screw.  If you're gonna spend $30 on a screw, there should be a lady involved.  8)
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2021, 12:46:32 PM »
 Numrich has alot of Turk parts cheap in some cases.  Just put in Daly rear sight and it crosses over to alot of Turk parts. I went threw it quick and there are similar sights like yours on there.
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2021, 03:46:14 PM »
Thanks for the lead Xtrigger.  I was able to make contact with the importer, SDS Imports, and hopefully they will honor the warranty.  I was going to detach the sight and mail it to them to work on, but the allen screws look to be rounded out. 

It's also missing the shell stop pin, so I may end up having to mail them the receiver to work on.

  I believe they would rather me mail them the receiver than them mail me parts, as they can't guarantee the work if it's done by the end user.  The windage screw can probably just be screwed in, but they will probably (hopefully) want to install the shell stop pin themselves.  I put around 150 shells through this without issue, so I don't know if it vibrated out, or if it was never there to begin with.  I verified function with snap caps, and it works.  I can't depend on it until it has all the parts though.

The Turks are onto something good with these, but they need to get familiar with the concept of quality control.  A quick inspection checklist would have caught this before it left the factory.  This is still under the 1 year warranty given by SDS, and I paid for the Lifetime Warranty through Classic, although I have my doubts about being able to use it...  They have no relationship with the Turkish factory, and minimal relationship with the importer.

I was in a LGS yesterday, and the owner knows the owner of TriStar brand, and word is there are over 60 factories in that part of Turkey churning out shotguns.

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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2021, 09:00:51 PM »
 Good luck with the sending the reciever back and all that.  On the other hand, if you want those allen head screws out, some times a torx tiped screw driver thats a bit over sized to the allen hole can be taped into the pocket and might turn out the bad screws.

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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2021, 11:29:59 AM »
On the other hand, if you want those allen head screws out, some times a torx tiped screw driver thats a bit over sized to the allen hole can be taped into the pocket and might turn out the bad screws.

Thanks Xtrigger, that's a good idea. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2021, 12:04:00 PM »
Brownells has Rio 3" #2 shot 12 GA. in stock. Shipping is $9 and change? $159 for 250. I got a couple to fortify my stock. ETA - 3/30. Not bad pricing considering the climate.

Don't know much about Rio other than it's been around awhile.

I'm going out today to fire the Beast. :) Come heck or high water.
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2021, 12:28:24 PM »
That's definitely a good price these days.  I'm gonna hold off until I see how these missing parts turn out.  I've got other gun projects to keep me busy.  I'm confident I can fix these issues myself, but I want to hold the importer accountable and avoid anything that may void my warranty.

RIO has a good reputation, and I had no issues with the 00buck from them. They have been selling shotgun shells for a long time, and I trust them.

Let us know how it goes!
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Re: Radikal Arms SAX 2 (Turknelli)
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2021, 10:04:20 PM »
I believe I've got the Radikal Turknelli straightened out.  SDS Imports took care of me by sending the windage screw and a spare ghost ring.  It only took a couple of minutes to pop it in with the spring on one side and the screw through the spring.  The ghost ring and front sight are both centered, and I'll adjust for POI next time I hit the range.

Turns out I didn't need the shell stop pin.  It's a roll pin, which I knew, but it's shorter than the channel, so it just looked like it was missing.  I stuck a tooth pick in the hole, and it's in there.  I felt like an idiot when the importer said it's in there, it just looks hollow.  :oops:

I'd rather feel like a fool than be missing a pin, so I'm pretty stoked about having this gun tip-top.  :)
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