I got to spend some time at the range on Saturday. The sights were dead on for windage, but I had to make some adjustments for elevation. These Sterling brand 1 5/32 oz slugs drop like a rock! I have it sighted dead on at 25 yd, and 2" high at 50, and was not even on paper at 100yd. Looks to be about 12-14" low at 100yd for these particular slugs, but I won't be shooting that far with it, so I kept my 25 yard zero.
The pattern for 00Buck is pretty wide at 25 yards, but that is to be expected with a Cylinder Bore choke and run of the mill buckshot. I was just shooting at paper plates, so I didn't measure the pattern.
I have a Carlson's Improved Cylinder choke on order. I think Federal Flight Control buckshot and an IC choke would tighten it up quite a bit. I know these are suited for close up work anyway, but I want as much range as I can get out of the buckshot and still be able to shoot slugs if necessary. I think Improved Cylinder is the way to go for me.
Shot 00buck, slug, and cheap target loads. No malfunctions of any kind, and accuracy is about what you'd expect from a shotgun. I'm really liking this Turknelli!