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Paid to NOT Work
« on: April 01, 2021, 10:38:51 AM »
The government is killing the agency I work for with unemployment bonuses.  Unemployment is given to everyone now, regardless of circumstance.  We are short staffed, and out of the 12 people I called yesterday, I was able to set up 2 interviews.  A few weeks back, I had 3 interviews scheduled, and all 3 stood me up.  Once even blocked my number!   :banghead:

The issue is that people are making the same or even more money to stay home and NOT work.  I've had a job my entire adult life, but I understand that if you make $500 a week working, but $650/week staying home, then staying home is the better option.

I can see helping folks who were laid off.  But paying people MORE to stay home and NOT work is killing American productivity.  At least the sit-on-your-ass bonus was reduced from $600 to $400/week.
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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2021, 10:54:43 AM »
My wife had a woman pull out a calculator in the middle of a job interview a few weeks ago and add up a few things when she was told the pay. She said it’s not worth me working now got up and walked out before it was completed.

The good news that’s the exact kind of person you do not want to hire which is a lazy bag of crap. Bad news is that a lot of the people out there currently fit that category since there are help wanted signs just about everywhere I go these days.


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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2021, 10:58:11 AM »
Nothing in this country has been ran by any kind of sound economic principle in any level the last year. Politicians have been throwing money out like candy,  scattered, limited and meaningless, but it kept the masses from hanging them, which was the intent. 

But we are going to see the consequence of that, already are in fact. 
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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2021, 11:11:50 AM »
Nothing in this country has been ran by any kind of sound economic principle in any level the last year. Politicians have been throwing money out like candy,  scattered, limited and meaningless, but it kept the masses from hanging them, which was the intent. 

But we are going to see the consequence of that, already are in fact.

Apparently hyper inflation has hit a number of countries now when it comes to food. I read last a week or two ago That food prices are soaring in Canada.


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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2021, 11:15:53 AM »
In Louisiana they stand to lose the state benefit if an employer reports a interview refusal. 
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2021, 12:07:18 PM »
In Louisiana they stand to lose the state benefit if an employer reports a interview refusal.

That used to be SOP for unemployment at least in NY/NJ and PA but they waved it. The local Dollar General conscience store has one employee which is a lady in her 60’s who’s also the store manager. She worked herself to the bone for 8 months through all of this and could not get a damn person to work there until 3 weeks ago when other local stores in the area were forced by cooperate to send a few of their workers to cover shifts. Before that she started closing it on Sunday's and one day during the week and the hours were from 8 am to 6 pm because she was going to burn out. She said she had a lot of interviews that resulted in either no shows or she would hire someone then they would not show up for work.


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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2021, 01:16:41 PM »
My family's non profit we run in California has had many partners shut their doors because they did not have the assets to stay open during Covid.  My dad/president luckily had the foresight to keep several months worth of pay saved so we've been open throughout the shutdowns  We've been alright and fortunately most 90% of our employees have been awesome and only calling out when they were legitimately sick.  Unfortunately I have watched my dad work extremely hard to get our PPP loan forgiveness stuff settled and its been a massive headache for him.  I feel sorry for the companies with slacking employees like my wife's place because newsom just mandated more paid sick leave for everyone, whether the company can afford it or not.  It's funny how all the wine companies he was affiliated with got their million dollar ppp loans forgiven and our non-prof drug rehab counseling is struggling even though the state specifically asked us to remain open to help people in need.


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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2021, 09:08:44 AM »
The whole deal reminds me of the story of the bird who sold a single feather everyday to man who gave him a free worm. Oh, it was so nice to get a meal without having to hunt or scrabble in the dirt looking for one! But the day came the bird had no more feathers to sell, and could no longer fly, which caused it to sink into regret and despair as well making it easy for predators to catch it.

If the bird was a chicken, all it did was to pluck itself to make it convenient to drop in the pot for someone else's dinner.
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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2021, 11:56:59 AM »
The monthly .GOV payout to people with children isn't going to help either.


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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2021, 12:54:11 PM »
The monthly .GOV payout to people with children isn't going to help either.


What’s the deal with that? My wife said something but didn’t know the particulars of it.


It looks like it’s combined with the higher tax credit that maybe paid on a monthly basis rather then in one lump sum at tax time. However the IRS has no clue how it’s going to work or be distributed so there’s that. It’s just seems a lot easier when we give our tax money to foreign countries that hate us rather then back to Americans.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 03:55:25 PM by Hodgie »


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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2021, 03:10:54 PM »
In Louisiana they stand to lose the state benefit if an employer reports a interview refusal.

I tried to call the unemployment agency in town yesterday.  I wasn't going to report the no shows, just let them know I had immediate openings with pay and benefits. Apparently the unemployment agency is also closed.  You get an automated switchboard that says "Press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish and so on.  When you go through the options, one of them is to list a job opening.  When you select that option, it says "Press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish and the whole thing just starts over.  It's just phone options on a loop that never go anywhere.  WTF?  How can the unemployment office be closed?  I guess they can't find anyone to work.

I managed to interview 3 people yesterday.  One had no license (you've gotta have one to work for us, plus pass a background check, get fingerprinted, and pass a drug screen.  No wonder we're short! LOL)  One has a restraining order against him from his "lying bitch of a soon to be ex wife" his words, during a job interview.  And one lady who is applying because she has a friend that works for us.

Basically we're down to the people who are so unemployable that they have never had a job long enough to be able to file for unemployment. 

This is not a McJob flipping burgers.  We have paid vacation, paid sick leave, medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401k, travel pay and meal reimbursement, and opportunities for upward mobility. The downside is you have to actually come to work.  That's a deal breaker these days.
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Re: Paid to NOT Work
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2021, 03:23:16 PM »
I tried to conact the UIFraud dept at  They are covered up, and can't find help to handle all the cases.  They can't find staff to investigate fraud because they make way more on unemployment than on fraud investigations.  :lol:

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