Well, I got a bit of a bummer news yesterday, my local website for gun trading has been having issues of late with the owners not caring much whether it worked or not. Anyway, when I got up this morning the server was no where to be found and is still down. So, it is either down for repair(my hope), the owners decided to let it die(good possibility), or leftist hackers found a good opportunity to kill it off(conspiracy theory option rofl2)
And I was getting ready to throw a couple of "altered" SKSs up on there to sell >

I may have to fork over the few bucks to throw them up on Armslist since I'm not sure I want to go the GB route. I would rather sell local as I have some extra ammo on stripper clips in bandoliers I'd like to sell with them. Kind of bummed about it. Guess we'll see what happens over the weekend.