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Newbies on GunBroker...
« on: April 20, 2021, 08:08:00 PM »
I'm in the process of consolidating calibers:  Selling some firearms and ammo I no longer think I need and using the proceeds to purchase stuff I really want . . . like that AR-180 build I've been wanting for awhile now . . . but I just need to say . . .


The last half dozen "NR" buyers I've dealt with have all ghosted me.  This is getting to the point I'm wondering if antis are going on GB, bidding and then turning into ghosts just to spite the community.  And while I doubt that's really true, something is going on . . .

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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2021, 08:15:22 PM »
I'm not too far behind you Larry. I am hitting 1 for 3 right now with NRs, but the truth is we all started there at one point. Maybe it is simply the fact that many of the new NRs just don't know about firearms like us older guys do. There are probably explanations from practical all the way to tin foil hat.
I know a few guys that, if they chime in here, will have stories to tell about NRs on GB. :lol: :lol: :banghead:


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2021, 08:41:17 PM »
But almost everybody knows about eBay . . . and they know you don't bid, win, and don't pay.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."--Bertrand Russell

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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2021, 10:17:52 PM »
But almost everybody knows about eBay . . . and they know you don't bid, win, and don't pay.


Yeah, tru dat. Okay, I give up, I won't make anymore excuses for them. LOL


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2021, 11:28:39 PM »
I typically give folks the benefit of the doubt.  I expect the real answer is that newbs think they want something, bid, win, and then decide it's not really what they wanted.

My eBay auctions require "instant payment via PayPal.  I expect non-paying bidders are filtered out during the checkout process.  However, GB's version of PayPal isn't available to MN residents yet.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."--Bertrand Russell

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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2021, 12:03:23 AM »
I typically give folks the benefit of the doubt.  I expect the real answer is that newbs think they want something, bid, win, and then decide it's not really what they wanted.

My eBay auctions require "instant payment via PayPal.  I expect non-paying bidders are filtered out during the checkout process.  However, GB's version of PayPal isn't available to MN residents yet.


Or they found something cheaper and go after that and don't care because Mama never taught 'em any better and dad wasn't around to take 'em out to the woodshed???

Yeah, I've got a potential non-payer I'm waiting on now. Gonna give him tomorrow to respond then send a reminder. If I don't here from him by Friday he gets an F and I relist, but then I have to go through the non-paying bidder process to get my fees returned.


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2021, 01:19:59 PM »
I’ve noticed it a LOT more myself. Not a regular seller on GB but I see newbs bidding things up left and right.
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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2021, 11:19:35 PM »
IF they dont ghost you they require a ridiculous amount of hand holding , had a guy buy a stock set , 12 emails the night the auction ended , probably 8 more with 3 missed calls and 2 texts the next day , and it didnt stop  , buy the time his payment arrived i couldnt take it anymore and returned his MO with a $20 kicker

he was the worst but not by a whole lot ,resending the same info over and over and the info is right there on the web site , i can only last a month or so , the last run was the end of a 6 year  hiatus from GB because i have a  hard time believing people are really that stupid , i did not even log onto my GB account for 6 years 


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2021, 12:09:17 AM »
I did get a response from my one guy yesterday. I was actually in the middle of my NPB claim, had already left him an F feedback and I get the email with "sincere apologies" etc. etc.
Said he got mixed up on how to pay?????? and his PayPal(new account) was held up for verification?????? ended up paying by CashApp. I got my money his part is on it's way. I get done with what I have to sell right now
and I am done. I just don't know if I want to mess with it anymore.

Maybe that's the master plan, these are all lefties infiltrating GB to get us all frustrated to the point of shutting down so the website goes down....IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!! :laughing2: :laughing3: :laughing4: :laughing5: :laughing6: :laughing7: :laughing8: :laughing9:


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2021, 02:00:08 PM »

I typically respond to "hand holding emails" by just referring them to the GunBroker checkout system.  Unless they have a legit question, I just cut-n-paste my standard response referring them to the GunBroker checkout and telling them that all the info they need to complete our transaction is there on the checkout system.

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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2021, 12:15:36 PM »
So, I have a new newbie frustration. Sold an SKS barrel to an NR bidder, a couple of emails to get the payment figured out for him so not too bad. My standard procedure for shipping is copy and paste from his account info to PayPal multi ship. Well this idiot input his info wrong in GB so the package was mailed to 16xx such and such st instead of 17xx such and such st. One block off so now the package is being 'returned to sender, no such number'. I know the correct number now because he has since corrected it in GB.

I am currently waiting for a call back from USPS to see if I can get it redirected to the correct number. If it ends up coming back to me I may just send him a refund sans the shipping cost making him eat it. I am getting to the point of not accepting bids from NRs period. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2021, 12:30:20 PM »
I don't use GB, ebay, amazon or PayPal. ESPECIALLY paypal. They told me I could not mags at my website and kept my money until I took them down. F**k those AH's !!! I am selling mags BTW.
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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2021, 08:36:46 PM »
Well this idiot input his info wrong in GB so the package was mailed to 16xx such and such st instead of 17xx such and such st.anghead: :banghead:

Yup, had that happen to.  Unfortunately, that ones not exclusive to newbies.  I typically double check the return address on the envelope.  If you can't get it redirected, you'll have to reship.  Just make sure he pays for shipping a second time.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."--Bertrand Russell

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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2021, 08:49:16 PM »
Well this idiot input his info wrong in GB so the package was mailed to 16xx such and such st instead of 17xx such and such st.anghead: :banghead:

Yup, had that happen to.  Unfortunately, that ones not exclusive to newbies.  I typically double check the return address on the envelope.  If you can't get it redirected, you'll have to reship.  Just make sure he pays for shipping a second time.


This is definitely on him, as mentioned, it was he who typed it in wrong to begin with. Now that I think about it, He paid via goods and services on PayPal so I added a few $$ to cover fees. That means PayPal automatically brought up his info for shipping. That also means he had it wrong on both his PP account and his GB account. :banghead: :banghead:

Starting to wonder how long this guy has lived in his parents' basement.


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2021, 07:41:09 AM »
I don't have that problem.
My post office knows me.
The Rocketman and Zip Code is all I need to get stuff sent to me :)
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

Flo just received her EXPERT Mid range card from the NRA.