Author Topic: Newbies on GunBroker...  (Read 3542 times)

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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2021, 05:33:28 AM »
i had a doozy that was the polar opposite of ghosting , by the time his MO arrived he had tagged me with over 30 emails multiple phone calls , multiple texts  , 12 emails the night the auction ended , i blocked his number , by the time his MO arrived he had me in such a state of irritation it was affecting my mood throughout the day at work , i finally said enough , i had is AK stock set packed and labeled and ready to ship , MO in hand ,and i said screw this nut job and pulled the rip cord and told him i was sending his MO back and i threw a $20 in to make sure he was whole , i was not willing to find out what this nutjob had in store for the second half of the transaction , i had never not gone through with a deal , but even as a loss it was worth it to cut the cord  and regain my sanity

the thing that was the most ridiculous was EVERYTHING he was stressing over was either A) right there for him to see on GB , or B) i had already covered in email and his questions were redundant

but yea , ive also had NR ghosts and others that required too much hand holding , but that guy , i pitty the fool that has to deal with that next , i blocked the crap out of him


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2021, 06:31:07 PM »
So, I had to relist the barrel to begin the process of getting my fees and tax payment to SC back. I took a que from Hoo and just gave the guy a refund at a $15 loss to me, unless I get my PayPal and GB fees back, just to get the guy out of my hair. Now I find out today the jackass gave me an F rating on GB stating I never shipped it but sold and shipped it to another guy and cheated him out of money.   :banghead: :banghead: :evil:

I just got done sending an email to GB support to get help with this. I also stated in my relisted auction that NR bidders shouldn't even bother to bid as I will just delete the bid. If I can't do that then I am done selling on Gunbroker as well.


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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2021, 08:49:32 PM »
My eBay auctions require "instant payment via PayPal.  I expect non-paying bidders are filtered out during the checkout process.  However, GB's version of PayPal isn't available to MN residents yet.

The more I think about it, the more I think this is the solution to NR ghosts.  I'm chomping at the bit for them to support MN users.

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  • SKS Shooter
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Re: Newbies on GunBroker...
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2021, 08:20:40 AM »
ive been saying this for years , we should have the tools to allow us to customize who we deal with , for instance , i made the mistake of posting a flat rate of $45 for two Gew 88 rifles when i returned to GB , it had been a while since i sold , a POS from Hawaii bid and won , did not have the decency to say , hey man im in Hawaii $45 isnt going to cut it , i ate a shipping bill of $265 , i should have cancelled that bid and ate a neg , but i nutted up and honored it

we should be allowed to exclude NR bidders on at a minimum larger ticket items , let them cut their teeth on buttplates <<<<<-----see what i did there and rifle slings before graduating to $500 and up auctions , we should not have to wait to block Alaska and Hawaii until AFTER they bid , the damage and drama is already set , we now have to pray someone out bids them , it doesnt matter WHAT you put in the item description , they are going to do what they are going to do and play stupid after the fact , i have a NR winner now , i have acid reflux that goes with it