I picked up quite a few of these last year when they were about 10 bucks, then they dried up.
Mine seal well. Some models have drinking tubes but I don't think these ones do.
Also these are cheek filters (not canisters) and come in 2 colors. If I recall the green filters are actually NBC and the white ones just commercial grade.
To make them fast to get to in an emergency I actually installed the filters and then vacuum sealed the whole assembly. Getting the filters in is a bear and you don't want to be trying to do it while the smokes rolling in lol!
Great idea. I've always wondered about how to handle this since filters have a lifespan of only a few years sealed and once unpacked, they have an even shorter lifespan.
On the subject of filters, I have a few questions. I have several of the E. German masks and also several of the original sealed filters but these filters are from the 80's so I'm pretty sure they're all expired (really just keeping them for collecting purposes at this point). Do these Czech masks use the same filters as the East German ones? I was also wondering if anyone makes modern replacement filters for these. I noticed the ad says " this Fox Outdoor CZECH M10 Rubber Gas Mask w/ Filter is a novelty item that does not offer the level of personal protection a military-grade gas mask does" so I'm assuming the filters aren't being guaranteed but it sure would be nice to get some new filters to make these usable.
While we're at it, does anyone know if anyone makes new production filters for the similar M17A U.S. gas mask? They don't use the same mechanism as the Warsaw Pact ones so they're not interchangeable, but I'd sure like to see if I could make these useful too. Right now, the only one that I know I can get filters for is the one canister mask I have.