Author Topic: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???  (Read 3335 times)

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Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« on: July 28, 2021, 11:45:36 AM »
A shooting buddy of mine sent me a link to an auction on GunBroker that ended a few days ago.  A 1969 SKS Yugo sold for $1300!!!  Here is a link to the ad... .  My buddy chocked it up to "crazy people", but I told him there must be a logical reason.  I study market prices on guns pretty close...and just don't see anything about this particular gun that would make it worth more than $600-700 tops in today's market.  It looks like there were 2 bidders going back and forth in the last 45 minutes of the auction that took the price from about $825 up to $1300.  Am I missing something about this particular gun...or is it just a couple of "crazy people" that got caught up in a bidding war???


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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2021, 01:57:24 PM »
LOL...very nice looking Yugo but too rich for my blood!
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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2021, 02:07:03 PM »
My guess is since the GL is removed and replaced and it’s being sold by a CA dealer is also sold to a CA resident. It’s compliant for states that won’t allow GL’s like CA, so that along with the condition makes it worth more to people stuck behind the lines.


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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2021, 02:57:08 PM »
Looking at the pics, it has the GL intact and it is the ported type. So, he must have removed it to make it CA legal. If it is indeed an original import '69 and not a later refurb, that could add value to it. Also, as Hodgie stated, if sold to a CA resident that could add to the final bid price. As it is, I have been seeing $800-$1000 for the late model refurb Yugos/Zastavas being sold on GB.

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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2021, 08:09:56 PM »
Guess I really got a deal when I bought my 1980 Police Turn in. 400 bucks, all matching. Still have the Zagreb Police property tag on it. Wrote them, and they told me it was never issued/used, just sat in a rack at the #2 Police station.


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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2021, 12:56:37 PM »
If it were a Cherry's import I might understand. But it just looks and sounds like a very nice Yugo. I guess somebody really wanted a nice yugo.


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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2021, 02:26:37 PM »
I'm guessing the comments by Hodgie and Greatguns are spot on.  Most likely the high price is linked to the seller being in CA and my guess is the high bidders and buyer are also in CA.  A few years back, I sold a AR15 lower to a buyer in NY for $1400 just before the window closed on sales due to the start date of restrictions imposed by the "NY Safe Act".

Thanks for all the feedback!  It's the involvement of forum members and willingness to share ideas and information that make forums like this one so valuable!!!


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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2021, 11:53:58 AM »
If it were a Cherry's import I might understand.

That comment made my day.  My first SKS, the one that brought me here, is a Cherry's Import Yugo I bought when I first got married.  It is sweet, and is the most accurate of my trio of SKS'.  I paid $200 at the time, because the seller had a table for of Chinese T56 and priced it to me for the same as he was charging for those by mistake.  When I went back to buy some ammo from him, he asked to buy it back.  I politely declined.  He even offered to trade me even for a Bubba'd T56 in a folding stock and a hi-cap mag.  I wanted that even less. He just told me "I don't blame you" and I still swing by there from time to time and give him some business.  He's a good guy.  He's got a small gun shop at the edge of the flea market.  Their prices are usually pretty reasonable given the times we're in.

As to why this one sold for $1300 I have no idea.
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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2021, 01:22:47 PM »
If it were a Cherry's import I might understand.

That comment made my day.  My first SKS, the one that brought me here, is a Cherry's Import Yugo I bought when I first got married.  It is sweet, and is the most accurate of my trio of SKS'.  I paid $200 at the time, because the seller had a table for of Chinese T56 and priced it to me for the same as he was charging for those by mistake.  When I went back to buy some ammo from him, he asked to buy it back.  I politely declined.  He even offered to trade me even for a Bubba'd T56 in a folding stock and a hi-cap mag.  I wanted that even less. He just told me "I don't blame you" and I still swing by there from time to time and give him some business.  He's a good guy.  He's got a small gun shop at the edge of the flea market.  Their prices are usually pretty reasonable given the times we're in.

As to why this one sold for $1300 I have no idea.

I Remember those days when sellers had table of SKS’s, Mosin Nagants, Mausers, and cheap WASR’s.


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Re: Why such a High Price for this Yugo???
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2021, 12:14:58 AM »
Prices are still crazy because of the pandemic and the civil unrest.  For quite a few months now, new ARs have been a much better deal than surplus SKSs.  While you can blame the pandemic and unrest for the price increase, I'm not sure SKS prices will come down much after the market returns to normal.  That's because they're not making any more SKSs . . . so the supply of SKSs will continue to be constrained.  That's one of the reasons why even though it was tough to scrape up the funds, I purchased as many of the recent Chinese imports as my budget would allow . . .

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