My father in law I believe had a copy the Baikal sold by Remington as a model SPR94 in 12ga over .308. I thought that would be a nice survival rifle but he didn't like it. He felt the trigger was too heavy the first time he shot it and none of the local gunsmiths would take a shot at a trigger job so I think he sold it.
When he was a gov't trapper he carried a Savage mod. 24 in 20ga over .222 for awhile. I shot that one a few times and it was a pretty handy rifle also. The rifle wasn't a tack driver but was pretty good on coyotes out to maybe 200 yds.
I would love a combo gun in 12ga with .223/5.56, 7.62X39 or .308 and wouldn't pass one up if it was priced reasonable.