What better way to save some money for a Christmas gift than to just do mostly gun work on a desired subject of the recipient, in this case my son. When we were in Sarco's show room a number of years ago, he spotted this Greener GP shotgun and they only wanted $275 for the danged thing! The gun was glued to his fingers as we checked out the rest of the stuff there. Well, the gun came with a 2 3/4" chambered 30" modifyed choke barrel and it was a take down model that is pretty interesting in its self. All you do is just loosen the screw head there by the forend and hand turn out the barrel. The screw acts as a simply clamp screw closing the receiver ring around a well fit barrel shank. He all ways thought having a Rifled 12 gauge barrel to swap in would make it a Really nice GP gun as was stamped on its side. Numrich had the Mossberg 512P barrel used and I was able to cut most all of the (bad idea) ports off for a handy 18 1/4" barrel length.
The scope base is a weaver that I was able to put 4, 8x40 screws into the beafy Mossberg 512 Rifled barrel. And that sits shouldered up to a High Standard pistol rear sight that comes with a 90 degree face as a recoil shoulder for the base and yet is usable as open sight with the orange bead up front.

Other extras include cutting the Original barrel down to 26" chambering it for 3" as well as for the 512 and putting a Win Choke II on the end. A 1" Pachmayr recoil pad in lew of the home made plastic thing that was there. A trigger job and fixing the safety so it wouldn't go into safe with each lever drop. Topped off with a 15 oz Vector 1-5 illuminated dot cross hair scope. Then the Rings were extensively worked over also. They used to be one piece with a single clamp in the middle. I cut the unit in half and milled each ring for weaver square cross pins and nuts. Now these rings seat the way they should with no re-zero needed between barrel swaps. All this was Christmas and Birthday gift from me since he turned 28 2 days ago. Needless to say he's thrilled with this General Purpose Greener Martini now! Its now nic named Thor.
He's having a good new year so far! He worked the last 4 years in the county jail as a Deputy Sheriff on 6-6 O-clock midnight shift and just started his new gig as Sheriff's Court Officer on days with weekends and Holidays off! even a $1500 bump in base. He deserved something different than store bought.....IMO.