Hello everyone, I need help with a SKS that will not fire.
The rifle is a Norinco SKS standard. After it failed to fire two years ago I disassembled it, cleaned it, cleaned the bolt.
The firing pin does the rattle some people say we like to hear.
I put no oil in bolt. Firing pin looks good. It still will not fire Hornady brass case ammo.
Years ago it used to shoot steel case ammo very well with no fail to fire.
I broke it down again recently. Still a fail to fire.
I received a new hammer spring today. Could this be the problem?
It is a surplus never issued spring off ebay.
I'm attaching two photos because not having fired the gun lately, I cannot remember if the cartridges goes all the way in the bore, it leaves about two to three eights out of the bore. Is this as far as the cartridge is supposed to go into the bore?
Thank you. -Stang94