The wife checked the balance this morning to see how much was in there after my check went in. Well, the account was about $1200 light, so I went to the bank to get a record of transactions, and discovered that my direct deposit did not go in.
I called the office manager to let her know there was a problem with my DD and to please take care of it Monday morning so I can pay the mortgage. Well, she texted back telling that she talked to HR and they sent the direct deposit to the new account as per my email. I asked her what she was talking about, and she sent me a screenshot of the email. It was written in bad English with no punctuation requesting that they "kindly update my new bank account details on the system with immediate effect" and "please let me know when this happens immediately", gave a new account and routing number.
This is actually copied and pasted from the email:
"I am writing this to change my payroll bank details that you have on the system . I have closed my bank account that you have on the system, Attached you will see my new bank account Void check
Kindly update my new bank account details on the system with immediate effect and process my next payroll payment to my new bank details listed below :"
They have known me for 8 years now, and the email doesn't even sound like me. It had verbs capitalized, no periods at the end of the sentences, used the phrase "on the system" three times in the same paragraph, and was signed twice, as in:
Thank you,
Jimmy James
Jimmy James
Job Title
Place of Employment.
The payroll person said "to be honest I didn't even read it, when the title said Direct Deposit change I just forwarded to HR, because they handle that." Since HR received it from the payroll clerk, they just assumed it was legit, and changed my direct deposits for my pay to go from my local bank to "Meta Bank."
They said they thought it was legit because when they said they would do it, the person replied "Thank you!"

I understand that it was from my email address, but the bad English, request for urgency, and that it was being changed from a local bank to "Meta Bank" should have been major red flags, on top of the fact that any changes in my payroll status should be signed in ink by me, and not done because they received an email.
I'm sure they will make it right because the dropped the ball in so many ways, but I've spent the day changing passwords, deleting cards from Paypal and signing up for Identity Guard because my utilities and credit cards are set up through the company email, and there's no telling what they got into with a week of roaming around in my company email.
I am so pissed that they changed my direct deposit on an email without so much as a phone call to me to verify. I know they will make it right because they can't change my DD without my signature, but I'm pissed anyway because they didn't give my security a second thought.

"Please and kindly be sending all of Jimmy's rubles to following address so he may Spend them on Decadent items of capitalist dogs very much i Am thanking you!"