Wife picked up a paper check today from the office for my missing paycheck. I was in Lexington trying to visit my sister in the hospital.
Last week was one of those weeks when you are being severely tested.
1. A big tree fell in my yard and on the house. The only damage it did was to the gutter, but my yard is a mess with a big tree sprawled all over the yard.
2. The wife's Jeep Cherokee stranded her in a parking lot and wouldn't shift out of park. Worked fine by the time I got there, but I grabbed one kid and let her take the other to gymnastics.
3. Got a call from the OnCall system while I had my son with me, so I couldn't respond immediately. One of the staff had Mt. Dew thrown on her by a handicapped person, so she called 911 and wants to press charges for 'assault'.

I dropped the son off with Grandma and got the handicapped person calmed down, the staff decided the job was not for her, and I agreed. Getting pop thrown on you is a good day in this business.
4. Paycheck stolen by hackers.
5. And this is the kicker, on Saturday my sister in the next town over was unresponsive and LifeFlighted to UK hospital in Lexington. She has cancer in her lungs that moved to her neck and brain, and was keeping it to herself. Mom noticed she was acting off, but didn't know why. My brother and I took my mom up there to visit her and possibly see her for the last time, and they wouldn't let but two people in, so it was my mom and my sister's boyfriend. We went back to the car to get mom's clothes so she could stay the night, and my mom met us in the lobby. She told us to hurry because she told my sister she would be right back (sis is intubated and not completely aware, but is responding to mom's voice.) My brother and I left, but had to come back and get mom because while she was in the lobby getting her clothes, my sister's COVID test came back positive, so no NO ONE can visit her. Mom is devastated because she told sis she would be right back, she was just grabbing her clothes, and didn't get to come back. She's afraid my sister is going to think mother abandoned her.
This has been a tough week, but I've got the Faith to pull through. Pray for Cathy McQueen if you're the praying sort. COVID made her sick enough to HAVE to go to the hospital, or she would have quietly wasted away from cancer until it was too late (likely already is). The boyfriend said she refused to go to the doctor because she didn't want to face her condition.
On the plus side, my payroll hack seems minor in comparison to my sister's decline. When it rains, it pours...