Author Topic: Panzer Arms M4 Benelli Clone  (Read 1333 times)

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Panzer Arms M4 Benelli Clone
« on: October 19, 2022, 10:19:39 AM »

I think I found my next shotgun.  Been wanting a semi-auto home defense and these clones are the ticket.

Anyone have one?  How do you like it?  The reviews I've seen are very positive.


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Re: Panzer Arms M4 Benelli Clone
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2022, 10:56:41 AM »
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

Flo just received her EXPERT Mid range card from the NRA.


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Re: Panzer Arms M4 Benelli Clone
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2022, 11:02:58 AM »
I have one!  I have the SAX 2 imported by SDS.  Mine is a beast, and is currently my favorite range toy.  It eats everything I put in it, up to and including cheap WalMart target loads.

Here is my thread on the "Turknelli":

This thread on Turknelli's at AR15 forum was an invaluable resource on where to get upgrades, parts swapping and so on:

There is some debate about what is the "best" of the Turknellis, but it's really the luck of the draw.  Seems like Panzer and SAX are closer to the top, and Charles Daly are close to the bottom, but for all we know they come from the same factory.

The main issue some folks had was peening of the bolt, as some bolts got through what passes for "quality control" in Turkey without heat treating, but these issues become evident after a box or two of shells, during which the bolt widens out from being struck by the pistons and seizes up the action.  This was just a handful, and most buyers had their issue fixed by the seller. 

I don't know if I just got lucky with mine, but it's been 100% reliable.  The only issue I had was the rear sigh aperture spring was sprung and would not adjust, but after an email or two, SDS sent me an entire rear sight assembly.  I've got a Holosun with the circle/dot reticle on there now, but haven't been able to make it to the range to sight it in.
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