Author Topic: Stevens - Model 240 O/U 410Ga  (Read 1169 times)

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Scott L

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Stevens - Model 240 O/U 410Ga
« on: January 01, 2023, 08:50:38 PM »
Was wondering if anyone here had any experience with a 1942-1945 J Steven Arms Model 240 Over & Under’s? I pick up a little 410 today at the local show. It has a tenite stocks, case coloring is pretty strong and blueing is 90% or better. Overall it’s pretty dang nice, no cracks in tenite but the rear butt stock has a little movement. As old as they are I’m a little concerned about attempting to tighten it up, as I heard it known to crack.

I’ll try to get a couple pictures a little later…
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Re: Stevens - Model 240 O/U 410Ga
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 05:36:28 PM »
The old school ones were pretty good. Caveat was poor sites and hand soldered barrels. If you get one that patterns well and the shot/bullet POI are close, you are in good shape. Most of them from the era were really close from the factory. Granted 80 years can be a lot on a gun. Any savage wood from the era will crack. It was the budget Sears/Montgomery Ward gun of the era, and was intended as a boy scout rifle, don't expect much. The new Savage/Steven 22/410 OUs that were popular around 10 years ago were junk. They went bang, but the POI was a crap shoot.
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