I was looking for an AK12 gauge and after some research I settled on the Lynx 12. I wanted to change the furniture and other accessories but I wanted to test it out first.
I took it to the range and I was more than pleased. It fed everything I put through it flawlessly. From cheap Walmart birdshot to 00 Buck, slugs and other loads.
It has an adjustable gas valve with 4 settings, starting from the largest “hole” for cheap light loads like birdshot down to the smallest “hole” for higher powered loads like slugs and buckshot.
The ONLY time I could get it to malfunction was to shoot birdshot when set on the setting for slugs/buckshot. So as long as I kept the appropriate gas setting, it was flawless out of the box.
I used both the 5rd stick mag and a 10rd drum for my testing.
So I added a Phoenix Kicklite recoil reducing stock and other furniture and compliance parts. I paid $430 out the door (shipped from Atlantic Firearms). Love it!
Pic coming soon.