Like the title says, Centerfire Systems has 500rds of 40S&W Hollow Points, $150 shipped.
The caveat is that it's a grab bag, all loose, somewhat tarnished and not all matching. I ordered one bag and got it within a few days. There's a mixture of brass and nickel plated cases. I Began sorting through it yesterday and it's all factory hollowpoint ammo, just not bright and shiny at all. I found one round with a slight dent in the bullet like if it had misfed. I'm not sure where they got this, but my guess would be these were originally loaded into carry mags, kept there for years, and then unloaded into bulk containers. I'm thinking possible police issue ammo after they moved away from 40 S&W, but that's just speculation on my part.
I began by separating the nickel plated cases from the brass. I'll probably try to match them all up into matching lots when I have a chance. I'm glad I kept so many of those plastic trays that come with ammo as I'll finally have some use for them. Most of the nickel plated cases had F.C. on them so I may opt to keep the nickel plated in the mags for carry and shoot off the brass cases. I did find one single nickel plated Federal Hydra-Shock.
I have no idea how long this will last. They did have a similar deal for 45ACP but that seems to be gone.