Albanian /26\ (14 serial) -- last year I spent a few hours learning how to clean the cosmoline off of it, having a blast, learning about my new rifle.
It went great, and the trigger pull, while quite long, was smooth and consistent.
Anywho... I noticed the last time I had the rifle out, about 100 rounds in... the trigger seemed (suddenly) really gritty right from the start of pull, and even almost had a delay between when completing the trigger pull, and before firing. Totally weird.
Okay... I guess it is time to clean.
So today I broke it down into major assemblies and cleaned it up. Put it back together... but it still has that weird gritty feel in the very beginning of the trigger pull. I pulled it apart again and cleaned with the same solvent I used to clean the cosmoline off, blew it out, and tried again. Gritty. So I disassembled/re-cleaned, and tried again. And again. And again. Ugh.
It's still there. When I have the trigger assembly out, there doesn't seem to be any grit at all. But I'll admit I don't know how to make the hammer release when the TA is out of the stock. So maybe it is "in" the TA and I'm too lacking knowledge to understand what to better clean.
More weird, when reassembled, if I pull the trigger a little bit through some of the initial "grit", and then release the trigger, and then slowly pull again, the trigger *doesn't* have the "grit" through the length of travel I already "pre-pulled" through.
It's Almost like the trigger action is pushing something out of the way - and now that I partially moved/pulled it through some of the initial resistance, if I continue to pull, there is a little more grit and then it fires.
Any thoughts on what area is likely dirty that I am not cleaning properly?
I'm sorry if this sounds totally dumb. It's just so weird that it started "all of a sudden" -- like something reached some threshold for dirt, or some bit of crap got in a bit of the TA's action, and I don't know how/where to clean it out.
Thanks for any advice - I appreciate it!