Author Topic: "Service Grade" 9mm for 0.28/rd  (Read 1062 times)

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"Service Grade" 9mm for 0.28/rd
« on: June 29, 2023, 03:34:54 PM »

This is a good deal from what I can see.  It's flat nose 115gr, but I still don't know if "Service Grade" is the same ammo as "Active Duty" aka M1152. 

If it's the same as the M1152, it's smoking hot at 1,320 fps from a pistol.  SGAmmo lists the velocity of both as the same 1320fps, but there is no consensus on the internet.  Some say it's the weaker civilian version of the 1152, others say it's the the same in a different box.

Whichever, .28 round is a good deal for quality 9mm.
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Re: "Service Grade" 9mm for 0.28/rd
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2023, 04:13:22 PM »
Aren’t you supposed to be at work?  :lol: :lol: (I am :shock:) lol.

Sounds like plus P stuff. Or plus P plus plus. It may be so powerful that it changes caliber! :) Price is right according to Sam. I have so much 9 components, even flat nose, that I’m gonna pass but thanks for the heads up! 

Now I gotta find a recipe and try a few of these. :)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 05:43:23 PM by Filroy77 »
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Re: "Service Grade" 9mm for 0.28/rd
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2023, 03:40:27 PM »
Wowzer's !!! I started looking around, at those prices, and found out I have a few wooden cases around here, that have gone up in price "drastically" !!! Better interest than the money in the bank !!!! 8)