Author Topic: Jumped on Introductory Deal!  (Read 1280 times)

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Jumped on Introductory Deal!
« on: September 26, 2023, 01:00:18 PM »
  So I and son were in Buds Knoxville yesterday. glancing over at least some 1500 handguns if not way more on display there. Then made it down to the long gun floor. The sale shotguns were on the floor piled up in their perspective boxes with the sample on top. I didnt intend to buy any thing that day except maybe 410 3" shells. My son was playing with one of those sale guns so I checked it out. Not a bad action, trigger was light and smooth and then I saw the sale price was $229.  :shock: Where do you buy a new pump gun for that little scratch? I'm not a fan of bull pups but I have to say, Hatsan did their home work on this brand new semi clone rendition of the KSG single tube pup. Needless to say, I walked out of the store with 2 of these Escorts. I have 1 gripe on the gun so far.  The Feds blocked them from putting 6 rounds in the tube with a rolled lip limiter around the OD of the mag tube for a BATFE 5 rd 2 3/4" limit.
 It uses AR grips but the rubberized one on their is not bad. Low brass shoots pretty comfortable in the little unit. The barrel comes with a muzzle protector if you want the flash hider off but the protector doesn't screw on all the way. Both guns have protecters that are faulty. I think my son found them on PSA? for $200 sale priced last night.
" When we get piled upon one another in large CITIES as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe" Thomas Jefferson