Fired my newest Yugo the other day and was overall quite pleased.
Good: It seems to be a pretty accurate gun. No record setter, but certainly within standard.
Bad: I couldn't get it to run more than 2 or 3 shots without a misfeed or FTEj.
Ugly: The last round is still stuck in the chamber with part of the case head ripped off.
I checked out the bore and chamber before firing. They seemed to be fine, but apparently I need to have a closer look.
The piston is snug in the gas tube and I was using a Murray's gas valve. When it ran, it was ejecting really well. Could this be the result of having the recoil spring in backwards? Not sure if it was, but it's very likely.
My plan is to polish the chamber and examine the feed lips next to my ChiCom, maybe even try it with the Chinese mag, but past that I'm not sure what to do.
Thanks in advance,