My Grandfather passed away last year. My Dad's Dad. I knew he had a safe full of precious metals and firearms and everything that would go with each. The trust was going to liquidate the arsenal to a local gun dealer. I am sure the offer was only a third of the value so I offered the same amount and purchased the entire lot from the family trust.
Anyway here's a little gem I took out and it handled the buckshot that we loaded into the mags. I did not try any other loads. Used 2 American 10 round mags, the original 5 round mag is still in the bag which is in the box they came in.

There's a little tape on one part. Not sure what\when it was put on for?

Maybe someone here can help me out. An old friend has the American Kolishnakov varient with AK pistol grip furniture. Can my Russian get similar furniture? It isn't like my MAK too in the way stock is mounted to receiver.
(I am going to dig up a photo of his 12 after an old phone charges up)
Also thinking of a brake for it.