Beltman Gun Belts Beltman is owned by a guy named Jim Speidel, in Apex North Carolina; he has 2 or 3 employees, and they make custom ccw gun belts. Jim's product is about the best int he business, as his belts are made from 1/4 bullhide, and you choose the color , number of holes, buckle , etc, for your belt, which is then custom made for you; the belts are not cheap- usually around $90- $100 shipped, but they are incredibly well made, right here in the USA, and will last you a long, long time- a decade or more, with the support you need to carry a pistol; unless you have worn a purpose made gun belt you really can't understand the difference, but trust me, once you start wearing one , you never go back, since the right belt lets you pull the carry rig tight to your body and hold it there securely without you having to cinch your belt really tight;

It seems like a lot of money for a belt, but for the comfort and security level you get, along with the longevity of the belt (and I don't mean looks; I mean the belt's ability to do it's job of supporting the rig) , they are a good value, since you will have that belt for a long , long, time, wearing every day.

Beware some of the others out there- the .511's etc, since most of that stuff is made in China or Korea, and is junk that does not last...
Check the Beltman out, and keep the money here at home, you will be glad you did.