Author Topic: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??  (Read 953 times)

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New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« on: December 24, 2024, 07:56:31 PM »
So I?ve done some research online as to what I have gotten here, and if I did my research right I believe it was made in 1965 ? Factory 26.  Just not sure if everything on it is all correct for the year and style or if it is anything special or just a plain ol Sks lol what do you guys think ??


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2024, 11:07:49 AM »
First of all, welcome aboard.

Looks like you have a matching numbers mostly present and correct 1969 /26\ SKS. Does it have the cleaning kit in the butt of the stock and do you have a sling with it? If you don't have anything else with it then the kit, sling, an ammo Chest rig w/stripper clips and an oil bottle would be what's needed to complete the package.
While it is a nice Viet Nam era Chinese type 56 SKS, it is from the most common arsenal and, if import stamped, simply a nice imported surplus SKS.


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2024, 10:17:53 AM »
First of all, welcome aboard.

Looks like you have a matching numbers mostly present and correct 1969 /26\ SKS. Does it have the cleaning kit in the butt of the stock and do you have a sling with it? If you don't have anything else with it then the kit, sling, an ammo Chest rig w/stripper clips and an oil bottle would be what's needed to complete the package.
While it is a nice Viet Nam era Chinese type 56 SKS, it is from the most common arsenal and, if import stamped, simply a nice imported surplus SKS.

Yes I?ve got an oil can with and yes it does have a cleaning kit in the buttstock as well but no sling or anything for it.  All though I have found a surplus sling for it tho that I?ve thought about picking up for it too

69 ? Or not a 65 ? What makes you think it?s 69


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2024, 10:36:08 AM »
Serial number is a 14 million, 8 digit SN correct? That makes it a 14th year build. By the old dating method it would be 56 + 14 or 1970, but there has been a lot of new information in the last 10-15 years that changes that theory. New data understanding makes the first year 1956 as year 1 (pretty much like our calendar years and centuries. year 0-99 was century 1, etc.) that means it, as a year 14 would be a 1969. What made you think it was a 1965?


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2024, 10:40:58 AM »
Serial number is a 14 million, 8 digit SN correct? That makes it a 14th year build. By the old dating method it would be 56 + 14 or 1970, but there has been a lot of new information in the last 10-15 years that changes that theory. New data understanding makes the first year 1956 as year 1 (pretty much like our calendar years and centuries. year 0-99 was century 1, etc.) that means it, as a year 14 would be a 1969. What made you think it was a 1965?

Thought it was 65 as I was going by the 9 on numbers of buttstock,


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2024, 11:01:47 AM »
The numbered parts on a Chinese SKS are the last 4, 5, or 6 digits of the SN, the most common is 5 digits. You have to go by the receiver SN for dating.


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2024, 01:02:38 PM »
The numbered parts on a Chinese SKS are the last 4, 5, or 6 digits of the SN, the most common is 5 digits. You have to go by the receiver SN for dating.

Ahhh ok, makes sense.  Still a very cool piece IMO.  So assuming there is nothing special about it though correct?


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2024, 04:00:24 PM »


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2024, 04:12:11 PM »

Well I guess I?m able to do some mods to it then lol if it isn?t anything special may as well make it mine :) and then at least I know it all matching number s


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2024, 04:39:14 PM »
Your rifle do what you want, but while nothing "Special" it is still a collectible Mil-surp rifle given it is all matching etc. If I were you, which I'm not, I would look for a mismatched or already bubba'd SKS on the cheap to play around with and keep this one original. It will only increase in value with time.

Just my 2 cents worth


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2024, 06:56:29 PM »
.........Ahhh ok, makes sense.  Still a very cool piece IMO.  So assuming there is nothing special about it though correct?

What's special is that it's yours. It's old enough to have seen combat. As GG has mentioned, your gun and all that but if I were you, I wouldn't do anything irreversible to it and don't lose any parts. Get one that's been assaulted already. It's not 1999 and they are not bringing them ashore by the millions these days. You never know, what is here may be all there is ever gonna be. I've done my fair share of evil doings to them, (and still have a couple more to complete), as many of us have when they were falling off trees for dirt. PAX
"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined", George Washington,
"but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of Independence from any who might attempt to abuse them." Sent from behind the KaliKurtain. PAX


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2024, 09:57:06 PM »
Well I think if I was to mod it, I wouldn?t do anything to the stock I would get a non matching stock if I decided to change anything or aftermarket.  Would never change the barrel length or anything so called permanent to it to change the matching numbers aspect of it as a factory like rifle.  As the way it is it holds and has a nostalgic value and look. 


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2024, 01:12:39 AM »
I know it's generally considered some form of blasphemy with an all-matching numbered chunk of steel, but there are conventional aftermarket stocks, such as Butler Creek, Ramline, Choate, Timbersmith (range toy only) and sights like Tech, Mojo, Williams, that can actually help with performance in the way they acquire, handle and fit. PAX

LOP on Butler Creek is great, looks cool with a wrist button & ventless hand guard, flush fitting 5 round mag looks clean, Mojo sites are fast. As new numbers matching salvage, cut to 18.5"

Ramline, the lightest set-up, unique hand guard, & cool forearm profile-has a clean blend with the mag extension. KSI donor Paratrooper

Timbersmith is beautiful wood & was available in different "colors" but is heavy. Tech Sites 200 help. A rifle type I normally wouldn't have messed with, Public Security minus stock and receiver cover.....gone forever.

Old school Tacticool, T6 & modified Drag (my 1st foray to the Dark Side-with an letter gun none the less) Laminate rifle is an IC, my first SKS.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2024, 07:17:11 PM by PAX »
"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined", George Washington,
"but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of Independence from any who might attempt to abuse them." Sent from behind the KaliKurtain. PAX


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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2024, 05:07:25 PM »
Love the handguard on that Ramline PAX.  Your 'bubbas' are so tastefully done, they almost don't belong in the bubba category.  Almost.  :)

This is my favorite 'bubba' on the 'net:

  Despite its ghetto appearance, it's quite famous, and would be very collectible if someone could get it from the evidence locker with some provenance of it's storied history.  :shock:  Is that a Rexall brand sunshade on that glass? 

While not technically 'rare' that's a really nice specimen Sksnewb56.  Watch out, if you shoot them after dark, they tend to multiply.
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Re: New to me Sks !! What did I get ??
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2024, 07:34:17 PM »
Love the handguard on that Ramline PAX.  Your 'bubbas' are so tastefully done, they almost don't belong in the bubba category.  Almost.  :)
....While not technically 'rare' that's a really nice specimen Sksnewb56.  Watch out, if you shoot them after dark, they tend to multiply.

Thanks JJ, the Ramline rifle is a clone of a KSI Stealth Para without the K-Sport logo. When the stock was done for KSI, Ramline put the K-Sport logo on the butt & wrist button. I bult another KSI clone, a Parka Para without the park. Correct green Butler Creek KSI branded stock & KSI Hunter Paratrooper action. Since the Paras are factory Bubbas anyway, I figure it can't hurt. PAX
"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined", George Washington,
"but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of Independence from any who might attempt to abuse them." Sent from behind the KaliKurtain. PAX