With the SKS platform almost anything is possible but myself, I wouldn't start cannibalizing a Russian rifle for a Para. Just wait until you can source out a blade or put a spiker on it in the meantime. The front sight base, rod guides and bayo lugs are one-piece. Even though it's straight forward, Para bayos are shorter. requiring a permanent mod to the donor bayo. Additionally, the folder should be cut for the correct type of bayo, a narrow cut (blade) or an equally wide channel (spiker). Do you really need a bayonet? The blade units I've shown were importer installed options, from when you could have ordered them that way, but they're not on originally built blade chassis, they're pinned barrels on pot-bellied stocks. No pinned rifles had blades. They're also scrubbed of numbers. The early Ramline side folders have a bad habit of breaking at the hinge, they're very brittle plastic that's not durable. Get some picts up of your iron. BTW, the short rifles are called Paratroopers. PAX