Author Topic: Yugo SKS "chrome barrels"..mystery solved!  (Read 95186 times)

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Re: Yugo SKS "chrome barrels"..mystery solved!
« Reply #60 on: December 15, 2013, 10:06:21 AM »
well my guess is that not chroming goes back to world war 2 when the Yugo's were fighting the Germans the partisans used what ever weapons they could get
their hands on.some were given to them by the british some were captured Italian weapons when Italy dropped out of the war and some were german weapons.
most of these were not chromed and after the war when marshal tito came to power as the leader of communist Yugo he probably had the say so as to how things would be done and since the weapons he used in wwll were not chromed most of them anyway he probably decided not to chrome to save on cost of each
weapon simple economics is probably the reason.china used chrome thousands of years ago then the craft was lost the germans started chroming in the 1930's
the usa started using it in the 1950's,the ussr I'm guessing started in sometime in the 1940's but I could be wrong.Anyway I hope this is some what accurate and not to boring.


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Re: Yugo SKS "chrome barrels"..mystery solved!
« Reply #61 on: December 15, 2013, 11:28:52 AM »
Welcome to the buard...,
IMHO., it does not appear that economics nor the often cited lack of chromium in the Balkans was at play.
If one inspects the Yugoslavian made firearms they are of very high quality.  The fit & finish is excellent.  The features in the AK series of rifles such as receiver cover locks, integrated grenade launchers and sights., later bulged receivers and 1.5mm receiver thickness all seem to speak to high cost production in both the SKS and the AK type rifles.
As to why they chose non-chromelined bores and brass cased ammunition., is anyone's guess. Accuracy, history??
... and yours regarding Tito being the decision maker is now on the list.:)


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Re: Yugo SKS "chrome barrels"..mystery solved!
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2014, 04:38:47 AM »
Thank you very much for sharing this info with us!  Everything we learn can contribute to the full picture of our rifles.
Would your conversation possibly also have included any technical specifications such as design details like gas port diameter, gas piston return spring tension, gas impulse magnitude and duration, please?


Kiwi Bruce

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Re: Yugo SKS "chrome barrels"..mystery solved!
« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2014, 03:04:07 PM »
It does explain the "Dark barrel but not pitting" in the ads for the loose Yugo AK barrels that are still available for under $50, and I have a half doz of these. Very useful info!!! Thank you PAP, Kiwi Bruce.

Kiwi Bruce

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Re: Yugo SKS "chrome barrels"..mystery solved!
« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2014, 03:05:39 PM »
It does explain the "Dark barrel but not pitting" in the ads for the loose Yugo AK barrels that are still available for under $50, and I have a half doz of these. Very useful info!!! Thank you PAP, Kiwi Bruce.


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Re: Yugo SKS "chrome barrels"..mystery solved!
« Reply #65 on: March 03, 2016, 12:22:29 PM »
I kinda glad the yugo SKS barrels aren't chromed. For 1, unlined barrels are more accurate and 2 seeing as the Yugo army was anal about how they cleaned their rifles, what was their a need for it ?
When the SHTF you better already have it at hand, because it won't be on the shelves when you get to the Wal-Mart land.