The length of time it has taken for us to get this accomplished is a testament to the fact that our Financial Institutions are infringing on our Gun Rights as much or more than our government.

As of tomorrow, 02-11-08, there will no longer be "Paypal Buttons" on our site. If you insist, we
will still accept payments through them but you'll just have to log on to Paypal and pay to the email address listed on our sites Home page.
Taking their place will be "Buy Now" buttons that lead you to our new shopping cart. The company we chose, for Merchant Services and Gateway, was recommended to us by And we've always thought highly of them, expecially their "Honor System" that seems to have become so successful. If any of you vendors need a tip on this subject, go to and click on the "LivePayments" link. That will get you connected to Electronic Transfer Inc, and they can get you hooked up at Start-up was relatively easy and rates are the best we've found anywhere!
With our new shopping cart, your personal information, (CC #, address, etc) will be protected.
Along with the ability for you to use your MC, Visa, AE, or Discover card, you'll also have the option of paying via e-check. A copy of the actual check will have to be faxed or emailed to us for processing, and it delays shipping a few days, but it gives you an option of paying in a way that does not involve credit cards.
So, we respectfully request that all our future customers join us in boycotting Paypal by using our shopping cart. We guarantee it to be as safe, or safer, than using Paypal,
and, a "Pro Gun" company will be handling your electronic transaction.