It's been a couple of years since we posted here,
Eleven years since the Thread was started, and while a lot of things have changed over the years, one thing seems to remain the same. Imported steel cased Berdan primed ammo is subject to popping primer pieces into and often through the firing pin hole on the bolt face.
While the top photos on this page of our site show damage to an original firing pin, and back on page 8 of this thread is another, we're the first to admit it can damage our FP as well. Since we changed to 17-4 SS material in Jan 2014, none have been reported broken, except those sold prior to that time. But even the newer ones can be slightly bent, and spring is always instantly ruined and often fully collapsed. like this most recent customer, that had our older FP Kit, those primer failures finally shut his gun down. FP broken, spring ruined, and 7 pieces of primer came out of his bolt when we disassembled.
But we did the Neck & Throat service when we installed his new Firing Pin Kit, and we'll simply copy and paste his most recent comments to us.
The parts arrived yesterday. I am very happy with everything you have done for me on this job from A-Z.
I shot the rifle at the range yesterday.
It shoots 1-inch groups now with the same ammo that I was using when it popped the primers.
I've gone from a gun I was ready to scrap. Too a gun I will enjoy for years to come.
Your customer service was truly a pleasure for me.
Your workmanship on my parts superb!
The price of the service is more than fair.
Again I am very happy with Murray' Gunsmithing
Thank you!
PM, Utah
The price for the service has gone up $2.50 but it's worth every penny, in fact we're now saying "makes your SKS run like an AK." And while we don't lay claim to any accuracy improvement, this is the 3rd or 4th report saying just that.

2nd pic shows the winner for the most Popped Primers found inside a Bolt. (and it was still running, just misfired occasionally) And notice how our newer 17-4 SS Firing Pin held up much better, even though the hot gases blowing back through the Bolt had totally fried the Spring, and battered the FP significantly, yet it still did not break. (no FP has ever broken that was shipped after 1-29-14)