Author Topic: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)  (Read 67576 times)

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Re: Popped Primer Problem
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2013, 01:37:40 PM »
To tell you the truth, I'd like to know who came up with the terms "hard" and "soft" primers. I'm beginning to believe the terms were applied simply because the foreign supplied Berdan primers have been less than good quality for many years.

This is a quote from Murray on page 1 of this thread.
For some reason it must have made a nest in a deep dark place in my mind.
Because at a recent range trip I noticed a few differences with primers of different years and manufactures but all from the same gun and this line popped out of nowhere.

Figured I had to take a couple pics and junk up Murrays thread of what I was seeing. 
Sorry buddy. :lol:

1. The Wolf ammo is from a lot produced in 2002
2. The WPA is from a current lot produced in 2013
3. The Chinese is from a lot that I got back ... well I can't remember it's been so long ago but has a early headstamped date that everyone can see.
Now wait .. I had a second thought on the time line when I got this ammo.
It came in 2 - 50cal cans. Round count unknown. Didn't matter much at the time how many was there and it was in 20rd boxes and was with an EX condition sneak chicom SKS for $200. :roll:

Here are the pics.

Group picture

And better close up pics of each of the three stooges.

While 1 and 2 look very similar the older Chinese looks like it may have been fired from a completely different firearm.
Cases are all steel. Bullet weight is relatively the same. Head space as well as bolt condition .. well I covered that already. It's the same gun.
Conclusion? I got nothing. Just thought it was interesting.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 01:56:39 PM by Fragger »
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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2013, 08:20:50 AM »
Still waiting for my SKS Yugo Barreled Receiver and bolt to be returned to me from Murrays.  I originally had the bolt and firing pin with spring worked and returned to me.  I put it back into my very clean SKS, and shot less than 50  to 100 rnds and noticed that part of the brass primer was stuck in the opening of the firing pin leaving the firing pin protruding.  I cleaned it out and sent the mangled spring, bolt, firing pin, and barreled receiver to Murrays for his modification.

Again I will report on the results when I receive my parts back and take it to the range.  I want a safe gun that will shoot the ammo that I have.  To Date I have not seen any reports on the firing of the SKS that Murrays have already Modified?  Am I looking in the wrong place???


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Re: Popped Primer Problem
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2013, 12:56:24 PM »
Conclusion? I got nothing. Just thought it was interesting.

My conclusion is, since I've never seen or heard of popped primers with the Chinese ammo, that if we could still get it at near the same price, it would outsell the Russian ammo 10 to 1!! And you're not messing up any thread! Good for people to see what the Chinese stuff we used to get was like. Good stuff!

And dgag, we've added a new 'Smith and we're starting to catch up, but please be patient with us. Obumble and his cohorts are keeping us plenty busy.  :roll:

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2013, 11:49:38 PM »
Since Fragger started it...I'll throw in one.

 Demilled, bought about 6 months ago and the other, bought at Wallyworld. 


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #34 on: October 08, 2013, 03:12:33 PM »
Hi Guys,
Got my Barreled receiver back from Murrays about a week ago.  Just had the time to put my SKS Yugo back together today.  I will be going to the range on Friday as I am off that day.  Yes, indeed I will light this bad boy up with ammo made with berdan primers as I have a bunch of it.
I will report on the modification results and accuracy as I have a scope on this SKS.  I will also send pics of the target and shell casings as I promised the Man, the one and only Mr. Murray himself.

I have never met the the man but he has gone out of his way to make me, and my family safe when we shoot my SKS with Berdan primed ammo.  This is NO BS.  I have had primer brass stuck in my firing pin leaving the pin out and destroying my spring from and earlier Murrays modification of the bolt and firing pin.  Slam firing can be your worst night mare IMHO.

I have read that the easy fix is to NOT use ammo with berdan primers.  To me that is BS.  Unless you are a marksman ammo is ammo, fun shooting is fun shooting and the weapon needs to be safe.  Cudos to Mr Murray.

Report to follow on friday.


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #35 on: October 09, 2013, 01:45:23 PM »
Hey guys, I received my SKS from Murray's last week and they completed the N&T service and I also want to point out that Murray's modified my bolt too (return spring, new U.S. made firing pin, countersunk the FP hole and slightly polished the bolt face). Before the N&T I was still popping primers and frying my FP return spring just like everyone else. I was shooting Herters 114 grain fmj's and herters 154 grain softpoints manufactured by tula ammo and purchased within the last year. Yesterday using the same brand of ammo that fried my first spring, I ran 60 rounds through my SKS without a single popped primer. The only thing I noticed was that the primers were cratering. However, because of the modifications made to the FP hole on the bolt the craters were rounded and did not look like they were about to blow out. I will post pictures of the spent casings tonight or tomorrow to show the physical results. Tomorrow I'm going to put another 50-100 rounds through it using a few different brands. I'm also going to have my friend bring out his unmodified SKS of the same make (norinco) and do a comparison splitting each box of ammo to show the difference in the primers reactions, modified versus unmodified rifle. I will update again soon.


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2013, 02:48:31 PM »
Thanks for the great report, Mitch! And we look forward to the next report.

But I'd be frowned upon if I didn't mention that folks would like to meet ya around here. Take a moment and post an intro in the "New Member Introduction Forum" section here at the Boards.

Here's to continued success shooting the crummy Russian ammo with No Popped Primers!!  8)

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2013, 11:41:10 AM »
Just noticed there is not a picture of Popped Primers in this Thread.  :roll:   And we had a customer yesterday that thought misfires, with the primer quite evidently seated deeper in a "too deep" primer pocket, was "Popped Primers." So here's the same picture that is at the top of our page. All the empties are from one gun and one shooting session. There will always be a perfectly round hole in the primer when a popped primer occurs.

We would like to hear reports from a few more of the 30 or so we have done the new "Neck & Throat" reaming service for, (dgag and Glassparman, hint, hint) before we declare this to be 100% cure, and we realize most all of you cannot just go out back like we do when we test fire, and have to "plan" for range trips, but so far we have not had one report of a popped primer from anyone.

We feel this is great news and are extending the FREE OFFER. As mentioned in our June 28th post, you can send us your barreled receiver, pay $20.00 for return shipping, and get the "Neck & Throat" reaming done for free, as long as you send us report(s) or post publicly here at the Boards about your subsequent range trips. No matter if we're doing other part installation or service to it, we'll even offer this to anyone that has a 100% original SKS that is experiencing popped primers, but wants to keep it purely original. The "reaming service" should not effect it's "originality" to any great degree, as most people would not even know it's been done. But it will sure digest that Russian imported Berdan primed ammo better!

But this offer does end at the end of this month. After that, it will be $30.00 + shppg. We're managing to keep the turnaround near a week or 2 at the most, so take advantage of a great offer, and help some fellow SKS owners of the future by reporting your results.

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2013, 11:20:29 AM »
This is the last day to get the "Neck & Throat" reaming service for FREE!!!

Send a PM or email before midnight Central time and you'll qualify. Even if you don't get it shipped for a few days, the request before midnight is all it takes.

And everyone we have done this for has reported No Popped Primers!  =D>

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2013, 04:57:39 PM »
I just got back from the range after sending my rifle to Mr. Murray for his neck and throat job. He also replaced my original Murray FP with a new one, polished my bolt face, counter sunk the fp hole and machined the carrier. Before sending my rifle to him I was getting popped primers using WPA fmj very often to the point were it was damaging my Murray FP spring and even bent my original firing pin. Needless to say I was not feeling very confident with my Sks at all. Today I went to the range (using same WPA) and put 120 rounds down range with no popped primers. My rifle ran very smooth and I even put 40 rapid shots down range. This was something I could not do before because of the threat of having a popped primer blow primer all over me and the inside of the receiver. Anyone having this problem should definitely contact Mr Murray. He was very courteous to me and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks again Mr. Murray!


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2013, 04:34:03 PM »
Glad to be of service, Raptor! Thanks for the feedback. We are hearing the same results from all our Testers. Like this guy that sent an email over the weekend:

You returned my Russian SKS to me awhile back after doing a chamber ream on it.  I was plagued with pierced primers since I got the rifle.  I finally had a chance to take it to the range today and after running over 100 rounds of Wolf ammo through it, not one pierced primer.  All fired cases had no flattened primers and looked normal.  Accuracy was not affected.  This has definitely solved my pierced primer issue and will definitely spread the word about this service you offer.  Thank you for taking me as a beta tester and I can tell you that this worked great for me.
D.K. Findlay OH

This is definitely going to allow SKS owners to shoot any and all ammo available out there, whether it's Wolf, Tulammo, Herters, Golden Tiger, Brown Bear, etc etc. We're glad you're pleased and have to say that we are extremely excited to be able to offer this to customers. Guess we may have to change our sig line at the bottom of our posts to say that with the "Neck & Throat" reaming, there is no "crap" ammo!  8)

If you feed it junk ammo, why should you expect filet mignon results? Well now you can, with our new "Neck & Throat" chamber reaming service!


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2013, 04:53:38 PM »
It is definitely a cure. I forgot to mention that the accuracy was not affected at all. I have also been spreading the word. Thanks.


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #42 on: November 11, 2013, 02:22:11 PM »
First off, besides being an honest businessman, Ben Murray is an awesome human being. He went above and way beyond to make sure I had a perfectly working SKS that will chomp down any ammo it's given. After my barrel was reamed, Ben noticed an anomaly (from factory, not from modification) and went out of his way to fix it. He went the extra mile (on his dime) to remedy a problem that wasn't even his responsibility to fix in the first place... just to make sure my rifle was in perfect working order.

When I bought my SKS it would not shoot a single round of Berdan-primed ammo without popping a primer. My rifle now eats round after round from my 20 round Tapco mags with a smile. Ben ran 10 through it and I ran another 60 when I got it home. It ran like a champ. I couldn't be happier.

Thanks Ben (and Trasi too) for all your help!


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2013, 09:35:03 PM »
Hi everyone,

I introduced myself earlier on the intro forum, but I wanted to get a head start on my sks test post.  I plan on taking my sks, recently returned to me by Murray's, to the range tomorrow morning at 9:00.  The weather report states that it should be below 40 degrees at that time with a wind chill.  I'm going to try to include as many details as possible and sort of do a pseudoscience experiment.  Now in previous attempt at the range my SKS failed after 40 shots and popped several primers, which I was unaware of until I returned home.  Murray's has been great through my whole learning process, I wasn't aware of popped primers when I bought the gun.  I sent them the gun and they got it done in about 2 days and mailed it home to me, total time was about 7 days counting me shipping it all the way from Northern VA to Texas. 

Other than the work that Murray's has done to it in accordance with their new treatment I have not modified the rifle in any way.  I do however clean it every time I shoot it, no exceptions.  The only thing I've done to it was paint the stock black because the wood was horribly disfigured(carved up) and there was no way to rectify it.  Oh and I put a pad on the back by Limbsaver to increase the length of pull by an inch.  I will be shooting without the bayonet or cleaning rod, not that it makes a difference, but I wanted to be thorough on here.  I'm going to fire 100 rounds through it.   I plan on doing rapid fire as well as taking my time with a few of them to get a feel for my accuracy.  I have about 40 rounds of Tul, walmart special cheap ammo, 20 rounds of Golden tiger, 20 rounds of Wolf polyformance, and 20 rounds of winchester.  Hopefully I can snap some pictures and post them tomorrow.  I'll see if there are any other flavors of x39 at the range when I show up tomorrow at 9, it may be a few more than 100 rounds.   All of the ammunition I purchased came from different stores.  One came from a hardware store, one from walmart, and two from two different firearms stores. 


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Re: Popped Primer Problem (update 6-28-13 Found a CURE)
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2013, 02:51:08 PM »
Hello again,

I finished my range test today and everything went excellent.  It was 37 degrees F outside when I started and it was about 40 degrees when I finished.  In addition to the calibers I mentioned in the last post I picked up a box of 20 brown bear hollow points, bringing me to a total of 120 rounds fired.  I did not have a single popped primer or failure.  My accuracy was decent, but I'm a newb on this platform so that's to be expected.  I was shooting at a distance of 30 yards at about 1 shot every one to 2 seconds, not counting stripper clip reloads of course.  I still need to break my stripper clips in more, I'm having a bit of trouble with them snagging.  I figure with constant use they'll wear in eventually. 

I have some pictures and I'm going to try to post them, but all they show is clean primer strikes and lots of holes in the targets.  It also shows a clean bolt face and the firing pin in the rearward and ready to fire position(shows it's clean and ready to go).