After doing a search on the Rear Sight Leaf Spring removal, I couldn't find a consistent source for the instructions. I did find lots of questions about it, so I photographed a relatively simple procedure.
***NOTE*** I do not own any SKS's with a pinned leaf spring, so this procedure may need to be altered for those models with pinned rear leafs.
1. Follow these instructions for removing the Rear Sight Ladder. Take your best bent small screwdriver out of the toolbox. Mine is a Craftsman that was bent at 1-1/4 inches for some other project years ago.

3. As with my leaf, there could be trapped grime under and around the sides of the leaf, so work the leaf up and down a few times by applying downward pressure to break up the dirt/dried oil and such. It may pop right out, but I didn't get that lucky.

4. My leaf was pushed to one side, partially under the stepped region that the pins for the sight ladder slide under. I simply pried the leaf side to side until it was centered.

5. Insert the bent screwdriver in the front of the gas piston opening and until you 'feel' contact with the underside of the leaf and apply leverage against the barrel. The leaf should 'pop' up, releasing itself from the dimple in the rear.

6. Pull the leaf forward. Mine came loose with my fingers. You may need to employ a set of pliers. The Rear Sight Leaf Spring is now out of the piston block.