Author Topic: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned), Gas Tube Latch Removal  (Read 20528 times)

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After doing a search on the Rear Sight Leaf Spring removal, I couldn't find a consistent source for the instructions.  I did find lots of questions about it,  so I photographed a relatively simple procedure.  

***NOTE***  I do not own any SKS's with a pinned leaf spring, so this procedure may need to be altered for those models with pinned rear leafs.

1.  Follow these instructions for removing the Rear Sight Ladder.

2.  Take your best bent small screwdriver out of the toolbox.  Mine is a Craftsman that was bent at 1-1/4 inches for some other project years ago.  

3.  As with my leaf, there could be trapped grime under and around the sides of the leaf, so work the leaf up and down a few times by applying downward pressure to break up the dirt/dried oil and such.  It may pop right out, but I didn't get that lucky.

4.  My leaf was pushed to one side, partially under the stepped region that the pins for the sight ladder slide under.  I simply pried the leaf side to side until it was centered.

5.  Insert the bent screwdriver in the front of the gas piston opening and until you 'feel' contact with the underside of the leaf and apply leverage against the barrel.  The leaf should 'pop' up, releasing itself from the dimple in the rear.

6.  Pull the leaf forward.  Mine came loose with my fingers.  You may need to employ a set of pliers.  The Rear Sight Leaf Spring is now out of the piston block.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 02:32:59 PM by martin08 »


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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 05:17:41 PM »
how do you put it back in ? my china sks was missing the spring. Bought new one and cant seem to get the little dickens in . Iknow the dimple has to go in the hole but very hard to put in.


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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 06:58:16 PM »
Put the rear end in first and slide it back towards the receiver, you may have to tap it a little...  GL
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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 07:16:32 PM »
tapp it so that the dimple goes in the hole ? and should the front be under where the slide goes or on top?


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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 07:42:44 PM »
could it be  I got the wrong spring it bseems real loose and wont go in the vgroove in the back


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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2009, 08:14:55 PM »
If you got a leaf spring for a SKS it should fit and yes it will be loose until you put the rear sight back in...

Slide it in like shown then gently tap to seat it in....

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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2009, 06:37:55 AM »
I needed to take a pick to clean out the groove in the block before installation.  Much grime had built up and prevented insertion.  Once the seating area was clear of debris, a little tap put it right in place.  8)

Sly Old Fox

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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned) & reinstalled?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2009, 05:12:35 PM »
So, with the issue ladder sight removed and the spring, is is adviseable to replace the spring? and if so, will it stay put without the sight?



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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2009, 05:51:34 PM »
Not sure what you're asking in the first question??

The trunions on the base of the sight ladder slide over the spring.  Without the sight ladder, the spring would likely fall out.


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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned)
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2009, 10:21:30 PM »
I put the spring back in mine after rear sight removal,
just to keep dirt & stuff out.
I used a hard brass pin of the right size to keep the spring in place.
Steel would work also.

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Re: Rear Sight Leaf Spring Removal (non-pinned), Gas Tube Latch Removal
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2010, 02:32:11 PM »
To add to the Rear Sight Block tear down, the Gas Tube lever can also be removed and re-installed.

This is a very simple process.

1.  Secure gas block in vice.
2.  Tap out gas tube lever with a nail set and ballpeen.

... a thirty second process overall with no unforseen snags and what appears to be a workable part.

I sent this part to a fellow board member who needed it to complete a gun.  Here are the results.

Quote from: Lafayettegregory on Feb 02, 2010
Installed and ready for the range.  :lol:
It was a much easier task than I had thought. I bought this gun several years ago. The stock looked good the price was right and on an impulse I purchased it. It was only later that I discovered it was missing the gas tube lever. The pin was still in place but the lever was gone :x
 Finally decided to fix it. While browsing gbrokers for a Yugo rear site base to get a lever and pin from I thought about all the restoration jobs Martin had done. So, I ask if he had one, and like the Great guy he is, he made it possible to repair my weapon.
Its kinda straight forward.
below is the Rear Sight Base with the old pin and lever removed. 

 Below is the replacement lever. It went fairly easily. The tricky part is getting the port side to line up in order to drive it home. I tried a few techniques- Big hammer technique- That did not work! Little hammer and tiny taps also did not work. It was a bit difficult to hold it in place to center the port side hole to drive it home. I tried using a vice grip to squeeze it on but that failed as lo. What worked was top line up the holes and use a punch to tap it in a bit at a time. Once it was seated on the second hole. I drove it home. It was nice and tight and I thought about leaving it . But I decided to use a drift and flare the edges of the port side a small bit to secure it in place. It is now nice and tight. Thanks Martin!

 Now I have a fully functional - factory [0221] pinned barrel sks. Thanks again Martin 8)