Author Topic: Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*  (Read 273049 times)

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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« on: August 10, 2005, 11:20:29 PM »
A few years back I started a survey to collect data on Yugo SKS rifles and log book entries.  With some help I was able to come up with a correlation between the serial number letter prefix and the year of manufacture in the logbooks.  I have also come up with a pattern of how the Yugo SKS design evolved.  I do not have any logbook data from any M59 rifles at this time and cannot determine date of manufacture.  The year of feature changes may be + or - 1 year. The data is summed up in the following chart:

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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 11:51:27 PM »
Makes sense i have 3 with the "f"  seems a year of high production.
current SKS's  54 Russian, 71 Yugo59/66, 74 China


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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 12:56:32 AM »
Yep, Mines an H.
Thanks for the info. It takes alot of work to put all that together.  It is my first SKS and the info you cultivated has been a wealth of information for me.
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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 01:23:31 PM »
If I remember correct I got a 1969, 1971, and 1989.. So is the 1989 a little rare/collectible?  I can give you the Serial # and you can tell me if it changes anything if your interested PM me, I will give you all info on the 3 of them.  The bad thing is the 1989 one has a blonde stock and it would be beautiful if I could just steel wool it for along time rise a couple small dings, and bleach out the wood and put some boiled linseed oil on it.. Because the bottom of the stock is almost white, and on the sides near the buttstock they are darker blackish tint to it like it was in water but I dont know.  It just looks really dry to me and it needs a good refinish but being a 89 I dont want to hurt any collectibility it may have... Wolvy


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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2005, 06:36:52 PM »
The "C" series M59/66 rifles (1989) seem to be fairly rare.  They are on the edge of my data pool so the production figures may be skewed a bit. I'm not sure that it would gain much of a premium for quite a while.  In 10 years who knows.  

Sometimes cosmoline will darken a stock in one area and not another.  I had a G1 stock that was like that.  I think that the openess (porosity) of the grain in the stock affected how much cosmoline was absorbed into the stock.  When left in the sun the dark area seeped cosmoline long after the rest of the stock stopped.
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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2005, 03:15:34 AM »
I have been trying to get a vague date for my M59 serno:


Obviously DOM is later than '59 and before '66, but do you have any info at all for M59s?  Your site only goes back to C257XX.


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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2005, 07:32:18 AM »
The pattern would suggest that C was 1966 and B was 1965.  However If this is the case then A should be 1964, Z 1963 etc.  I have not had and M59 rifles reported with a prefix other then B or C.  For the M59/66s the  letters were used for one year except S was used for two years.  It is possible that B or C was used for more then one year.  Used data from the log books to correlate the date of manufacture for the M59/66 rifles.  I have not heard of any M59's with a log book. I am not sure that I ever will be able to pin a date on the M59s unless I get some log book data for the M59s.

As for your serial number being outside the data range for the C series, I have based all may data on what information has been sent to me.  I'm a bit behind in adding the data submitted to my data pool.  I have around 100 or so e-mails to sort through and harvest data from.  There is a large gap between the highest B series M59 and the lowest C series M59.  Data from your rifle will close this gap a little bit.  So far I have data on less then six B series rifles.  The B series seems to be very rare.  I wish I could give you more info.
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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2005, 08:13:43 AM »
This seems like the best place to ask this.
When the 59's were converted, is it common for the original SN to remain on variuos parts?

If so is there any information for original manufacture dates?
My new 59/66 has almost all matching #'s ( not counting the reciever cover) and a 4 digit # on most of the parts also.


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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2005, 08:39:47 AM »
withergyld, I have a C series 1989 but serial number is listed under '88s.  The number is 723xxx.  I thought I sent in info earlier??  Maybe it's in the incoming glob you have.  Tritrium night sights with log book dated 1989 (50 rds fired).  Great job with the info compiled. :D


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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2005, 12:27:24 PM »
I have an E112xxx model and according to your chart, night sights were not available.  Mine has phosphorus night sights, although they don't glow anymore.  Also, no neckdown and no ports on the GL.  Any ideas?



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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2005, 08:04:02 PM »
Quote from: trubluedog
This seems like the best place to ask this.
When the 59's were converted, is it common for the original SN to remain on variuos parts?

If so is there any information for original manufacture dates?
My new 59/66 has almost all matching #'s ( not counting the reciever cover) and a 4 digit # on most of the parts also.

I'm not 100% sure that M59s were converted to M59/66s.  I have read that they were on the 'net but I have no way to verify the source of this information.  I have seen evidence that M59s were repaired in the arsenal but were not changed to M59/66 configuration.  I have a M59 in a M59/66 stock that is numbered to match.  The M59 in this thread has a M59/66 bolt carrier.

Check the flat on the barrel lug.  The four digit number you refer to usually will match the number stamped on the barrel flat.
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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2005, 08:07:27 PM »
Quote from: MD20748SPEAKS
withergyld, I have a C series 1989 but serial number is listed under '88s.  The number is 723xxx.  I thought I sent in info earlier??  Maybe it's in the incoming glob you have.  Tritrium night sights with log book dated 1989 (50 rds fired).  Great job with the info compiled. :D

There is some serial number overlap between the '88s and '89s.  I am not sure why.  Your data is most likely not posted yet.  PM me your e-mail address and I will check to se if I have it.
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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2005, 08:11:51 PM »
Quote from: mud390
I have an E112xxx model and according to your chart, night sights were not available.  Mine has phosphorus night sights, although they don't glow anymore.  Also, no neckdown and no ports on the GL.  Any ideas?


Many rifles have been rebulit at one time or another.  They were most likely rebuilt with the parts on hand.  It is common for early rifles to have late model features.  D and E series rifles without night sights are pretty rare.
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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2005, 10:06:17 PM »
withergyld, Thanks for the info. I was almost hopeing I had something unusual. :? I thought maybe it was the original SN and a new one over it.
What is the purpose of two sets of #'s?


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Yugo SKS Date of manufacture and Design evolution *Updated*
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2005, 04:17:25 AM »
Ok wythergold, My yugo's serial is A-707***, which came first, me or the Yugo?