This is a great sticky. Just wanted to add my info to the existing data. Nothing out of the ordinary so far as I can tell. Just adding another brick to the wall.
Serial Number H-276995. So we're talking 1971...I was a high school freshman. Yikes, that was a long time ago!
Believe it to have been issued due to a few proof marks in the stock, but lightly used for a very short period of time...condition looks brand new to me. Phos. flip-up night sights. Grenade launcher. Import stamp: "P.W.Arms,Redmond WA Zastava,M59/66 7.62x39 Yugo". All matching part numbers but for two exceptions: gas tube cover has oddball 2-00-001 and underside of rear sight has number of 96547. With these two odd numbers, I suspect some refurb.