Simply can't avoid responding this evening...
First, A Big Thanks to you, Galahad!!! I know who I want watching my back in a fire fight. And speaking of fires, yes they did cause some serious damage nearby which resulted in some extended delivery times for customers that sent in trigger groups, complete rifles, etc. There is/was an additonal reason that I should inform as many customers as we can about, and maybe this is the best spot.
Since late 10/early 11 much more of my time has been needed elsewhere. But at 5:15 local time, on 5-16-11, my Father, Glenn Murray, died and went to be with God. It was a struggle for him the last few months, but now he is at peace.
Due to this we will be closed through 5-20-11.
My extreme gratitude to the customers who may have shipped trigger groups and guns as early as Jan/Feb, and have been so patient, and we assure you we will begin uncoiling the backlog on Monday the 23rd.
Jmurdock, with this delay, it may still be 4 to 6 weeks turnaround. Once the dust has settled, we'll be able to get back to 2 to 3 weeks.
Being an old timer around here affords me the abiltiy to know I don't need to ask. So to you folks that read this and already said a prayer for my family...