Author Topic: I have a question for you murray  (Read 6338 times)

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I have a question for you murray
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:04:49 PM »
do i need to call you before i send my FCG and parts down there or do i just go ahead and ship it down there with my information?


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Re: I have a question for you murray
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2011, 06:09:04 PM »
I'll stick my nose in here......

Ben has been busy beyond belief because he's been spending a lot of time on the fire lines fighting fires.  I'd suggest sending him an e-mail but he probably has notification set up so he will see your post and get back to you.

But everyone should be aware that our favorite 'smith is doing stuff far more important than fixing our guns and he's doing it at his own expense.

Although I think the fires have let up a bit for right now so he's probably catching up on his backlog.

Anyway, THANKS BEN!!!!!

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Re: I have a question for you murray
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2011, 06:15:38 PM »
oops my bad. its not a pressing issue to get back to me on.


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Re: I have a question for you murray
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 06:18:02 PM »

My intention was just to let everyone know that Ben is likely to be a bit slow to respond and things might take him a bit longer.   Everyone should continue to e-mail him so he can let folks know his current backlog.  He's not going out of business so don't change anything but it's probably better to PM him or e-mail him because he's likely not home for the phone call.

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Re: I have a question for you murray
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2011, 01:10:12 AM »
Simply can't avoid responding this evening...

First, A Big Thanks to you, Galahad!!! I know who I want watching my back in a fire fight. And speaking of fires, yes they did cause some serious damage nearby which resulted in some extended delivery times for customers that sent in trigger groups, complete rifles, etc. There is/was an additonal reason that I should inform as many customers as we can about, and maybe this is the best spot.

Since late 10/early 11 much more of my time has been needed elsewhere. But at 5:15 local time, on 5-16-11, my Father, Glenn Murray, died and went to be with God. It was a struggle for him the last few months, but now he is at peace.

Due to this we will be closed through 5-20-11.

My extreme gratitude to the customers who may have shipped trigger groups and guns as early as Jan/Feb, and have been so patient, and we assure you we will begin uncoiling the backlog on Monday the 23rd.

Jmurdock, with this delay, it may still be 4 to 6 weeks turnaround. Once the dust has settled, we'll be able to get back to 2 to 3 weeks.

Being an old timer around here affords me the abiltiy to know I don't need to ask. So to you folks that read this and already said a prayer for my family...


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Re: I have a question for you murray
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2011, 08:31:17 AM »
Take care, Ben.  My thoughts are with you and your family.

"I would rather suffer from too much freedom, than not enough."  Heimdhal
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Re: I have a question for you murray
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2012, 02:14:07 AM »
sks..... fires ,feeds ,ejects every time ...unless  you punch  your primer  and it blows back into your firing pin , only problem i have ever had ....easy fix